Harvest Town Wiki


Witch's Journey is a series of quests that fall under the 'Town Exploration' banner of quests. It was released December 2022 and can be unlocked by using the magnifier in the North Forest. There are 5 possible final outcomes known as incidents which can overlap in the early stages:

Timed Out[]

[Bad news form Boby~][]
How to gain

You failed to finish the preparation for the sealing ritual and Foxy dealt with the stone box alone...

Delete/abandon 3d time limit quest "Weird Ritual 1"

Extra Boxes[]

[Bad news form Boby~][]
How to gain

You failed to find all the lost boxes and Foxy found the extra boxes alone...

Choose option "When is the sealing ritual?"

Failed Ritual[]

[Bad news from Boby~][]
How to gain

The materials for the sealing ritual weren't placed in the right place and you were sent to a strange place by the explosion caused by the failure of the sealing ritual...

Choose wrong sequence (Water Essence - Wood Essence - Stone Essence)

Make Friends[]

[Witch's Journey in Dream] How to gain
Legend has it that there's an occult statue in the depths of North Forest and anyone holding a "box" can make a wish to the statue.

Meanwhile, there is a powerful witch protecting the statue. She would give those who with bad intentions bad luck.

As time went by, some people blamed her for becoming unlucky and no longer welcome her. Not long later, both the witch and the statue disappeared.

When she showed up again, she was trying to find the "boxes". During that time, she met three humans and became good friends with them. It was only then that she realized humans can be so kind.

Choose correct sequence (Stone Essence - Wood Essence - Water Essence) then Choose option "I'm fine".

Reward: Loose Leaf Paper x 135 and Quill x 10

Back to Dreamland[]

[Witch's Journey in Dream] How to gain
The magic boxes holding the power of Boby tell to the real world due to the occult earthquake in Dreamland.

To prevent the energy leak from the boxes, the witch came to the real world. After a long search, she finally knew their locations and came to Harvest Town alone. At last, the boxes were all sealed and she could go back to Dreamland~

Choose option "There is no next time"

Witch's Journey in Dream is a series of quests that fall under the 'Town Exploration' banner of quests, and can be unlocked using the magnifier.

When using the magnifier you an icon will pop up, following it will lead you to a strange stone box. You will have to bring it to Tom Cole so he can analyze it.

After he's done he will tell you that he doesn't understand it and you will have to bring the box to Foxy, she will then tell you that the box is dangerous and will bring misfortune to those who are in contact with it, she will then tell you that there is a ritual that can cure the spell and magic crystals are needed. You will have to gain a certain amount of these crystals, you obtain these by mining ores in the Ancient Mine

You only choice:

  • Tell Fay: the stone box has been given to Foxy
  • Ask Foxy: if she has brought the stone box

If you complete the quest you will get a cutscene where You, Foxy and Fay try to do the ritual but it fails.

Next question, if you choice:

  • Ask Foxy her next plan
  • Ask Foxy why the explosion happened

Foxy will then tell you that that there are more boxes spread across town and she'll ask you to collect them. There are three boxes; The jade box, the gold box and the silver box.

To get the jade box you will have to talk with Lulu Lopez who has found the box, she'll just give the box to you tomorrow with no complications.

To get the gold box you will have to talk to Chris Ford, he'll tell you that he found the box but had nightmares since he had it so he threw that away. After that just go to the beach and find the gold box.

To get the silver box talk to Sherry Allen, she has the box but she won't give it to you since she finds it pretty. After the chat you will have to go to David Hanks and bring him the materials to craft another non-hunted silver box. Once the new box is ready, give it to Sherry and she will happily give the cursed box to you.

With David Hank, you can choice:

  • Not so good
  • I'm fine

After you got all three boxes you need to talk to Foxy. She will then charge you to collect the wood and stone spirits* and later more magic crystals

You can choice:

  • Tell Foxy the weird things related to the boxes
  • When is the sealing ritual?

*The wood spirits are gained by logging and the stone spirits are obtained by mining ores

If you choose the question, Foxy says something is wrong and sent you to rest and wait for Foxy return to you.

If you choose "Tell Foxy the weird things related to the boxes". You find John Gray ask he has seen any box with a strange pattern and remember Peter, Fay and Gray picked similar boxes.

Foxy and you will discover more cursed boxes spread around town, you will have to once again get those boxes

One of the boxes is owned by Peter Allen, he will tell you that he used to own one of those boxes and that they can grant wishes

You'll get a medicine recipe and need to collect the ingredients to give them to Lee Wah, after you give him the lavender, he will give you the medicine next day.

At one point, you will have to go to North Forest depths for the ritual with Foxy and the Witch. The ritual will require the spirits to be put in a specific order to work, but the Witch doesn't remember the exact order; she only knows the wood goes in the middle (see "Make friends").

At this point you have two option:

If you put the water first and stone last, the ritual will fail and you'll wake up in a dungeon. Complete it and talk to Foxy to ask her why the ritual failed. If you choose stone first the witch thanks you for completing the ritual and gives you a Magic Wand that can turn an NPC you like into a piggy for two days, and ends the quest.

{Note: This is a draft so far and the edit button doesn't seem to be working as it routes me to the base of the table - don't know why and would love some help :D }

Witch's Journey in Dream[]

Quest Name Instruction Task Progress Reward Hint
Mysterious Box 1 Locate the mysterious box with the magnifier 0/1 Box

Located in the North Forest
Mysterious Box 2 Collect repair materials for the principal
Full Quest Story:
Mysterious Box 2
The principal told you that the box has been buried for too long that the pattern on the box can only be identified after being repaired.

Obtained from slaying Monsters in the Occult Cave
Mysterious Box 3 The principal suggested that you go ask Foxy, who might know the meaning of the pattern. Bring the box to Foxy and ask her about the pattern on the box. 0/1 Box

She is in the Grocery Store
Mysterious Box 4 Foxy said that you can leave the box to her and ask her about the pattern on the box tomorrow. 0/1
Weird Ritual 1 Fay told you that some more magic ores are needed to start the sealing ritual. Go to the Ancient Mine to collect the material and wait for her to come. 0/40
Weird Ritual 2 Have a good rest and wait for Fay and Foxy who will come tomorrow morning. 0/1 - -
Weird Ritual 3 Find Foxy and ask her why the sealing ritual failed. 0/1
Fix Boxes 1, 2 and 3 Go to the town and find other citizens who have the boxes. 0/1
Mysterious Jade Box 1 Find Lulu Lopez 0/1
Mysterious Jade Box 2 Find Lulu and get her jade box. 0/1
Mysterious Golden Box 1 Go to the beach and find the mysterious golden box that Chris threw away. 0/1
Mysterious Silver Box 1 Find Sherry Allen 0/1
Mysterious Silver Box 2 Collect enough Silver Ingots for David and ask him to help craft a new box 0/50
