Harvest Town Wiki


Tutorial (Version: is the instruction given by the game to the Player on how to play the game. Tutorial can be skipped by the player.

How to Access Tutorial[]

New Player will be ask by John Gray in front of the Deserted House (after conversation between Player, Peach Gray, and John Gray) with:

"Do you know how to clear the manor?
(Choose how you are familiar with this type of games)"

  • Options 1: I don't know. (To Access Tutorial)
  • Options 2: I'm familiar with it. (To Skip The Tutorial)
The time will not pass, while The Player doing Tutorial.

Basics of Tutorial[]

After selecting The "I don't know" option, John Gray will start to give you some instructions to learn the basics. Other NPCs will also give the Player some tutorial/instructions if we encounter new things to be doing/learn.

John Gray Tutorial[]

John Gray will teach and instruct Player on how to use Shovel, plant & harvest Crops, get Coins, and on how to save player's game progress.

How to Use Shovel[]

After Player agree on using Tutorial, John Gray will explain the use of Shovel and give a Shovel. John Gray then will teach Player how to use Shovel by clearing The Deserted House.
  • Shovel can be used to remove the items put on the ground. (0/1)

After clearing and taking it down, Player will get Mahogany, Stone, and Wood. John Gray will also give Player Cement and Nail.

Steve Lopez who visited will be given task by John Gray to build new house for Player. Wood, Stone, Cement, and Nail got from shoveling will be used to build Player's new house. While Steve Lopez building the new house, John Gray will teach Player another basics.

How to Plant and Harvest Crops[]

The next basic is how to plant and harvest Crops, while waiting Steve Lopez finish the building. Player will be told to harvest the ripened Crops and will be given some Onion Seed after harvesting.
  • Harvest crops with an empty hand button. (0/6)
  • Select seed and tap tool button to seed. (0/6)

How to Get Coins (Money)[]

The finished building will be shown by Steve Lopez after player finished 'Planting and Harvesting Tutorial'. After that, John Gray will teach you on how to make Coins and take you to [[Goods Stall|Stall]. Refer to this page Stall on how to use it based on John Gray's explanation.

Next, he will take you to see Logistics Hub as another way to make Coins.

After finishing the order, John Gray will give you Phone to check the orders remotely.

How to Save Game Progress[]

The last thing John Gray will teach in this tutorial is how to save game progress by clicking on the four squares under the Player's level and choose or tap on the Save Icon.

Game Tutorial on Using Tools[]

Player will be given tutorial on how to use The Tools while doing the first Main Quest.

Player who use and skipped Tutorial will get Axe, Pickaxe, and Sickle. After The Basics Tutorial, Player will start to get Main Quest and will still got Tutorial from time to time. Player who choose to skipped The Basics Tutorial will still got Tutorial, but will have "Skip>>" button on the top of Game Interface. The "Skip>>" button is the only difference between using Tutorial and skipping Tutorial.