The Shop is the game's store where various items can be bought using multiple currencies. These includes: Coins, Diamonds, Harvest Coins, Tickets and RM (real money).
It can be accessed via the 'SHOP' button in the top right corner on the screen game.
The red dot indicates an unclaimed gift (although it shows up every in-game day which is a tiny bug) or new offers.
The Shop Interface[]
Here you can access to the main game shop's, which is divided into multiple tabs. To see NPC's stores click here
Compiles a collection of items which players are recommended to purchase using RM (real money). Discounts are given for certain offers for up to variable %. Here is also where players can obtain a free daily gift.
Recommended items to be bought with Diamonds. The three items at the top refreshes everyday and can only be bought once per item.
In this section you can spend your Coins and Diamonds to buy decorations for your manor.
A special store for players with a history of top-ups. Offers Infinite Power Tools, special decorations and other perks. Can be bought using the Privilege Points or with real money.
A real-money store to buy Diamonds.
Lucky Draw[]
A lucky draw that gives players the chance to get rare skins and other prizes; past events furniture/clothes, pet houses and more.
Players can use Harvest Coins to purchase past event items, by the set or by item.