Harvest Town Wiki
Mysterious Adventure Intro


Mysterious Adventure (formerly Mysterious Exploration in November 2022) is decoration game to lure monsters leave, eliminate obstacles and find Mysterious Treasures to contribute to the event progress and win the final prize if Space Selection Pack. The first Mysterious Adventure was held on December 2021. To complete Mysterious Adventure you need pay least 11-30 USD+1000 Diamonds to complete. The announcement time is the decoration activity that can be triggered time, after triggering, the activity lasts 7 days.

Mysterious Exploration1


Event Rules Mysterious Exploration


Player can exchange Elimination Potion to Stone, Hay, Coin (Limit 10) and Diamond (Unlimited). Also, you can exchange Adventure Shop Voucher with Zircon Gem (only when the progress reaches 20%).

Adventure Shop
Item Price Item Price
Exclusive Event Limited 3 Adventure Shop Voucher Harvest Coin 3 Adventure Shop Voucher
3 Adventure Shop Voucher 3-Hour Speedup 9 Adventure Shop Voucher
12 Adventure Shop Voucher Lucky Draw Ticket 12 Adventure Shop Voucher
15 Adventure Shop Voucher Magic Crystal 15 Adventure Shop Voucher

Adventure Wheel[]

Adventure Wheel

The Adventure Wheel is a "prize wheel". You can spin it 15 times for [Rare] Adventure Wheel Ticket or spin as much as you want for [Epic] Adventure Wheel Ticket each day to earn various rewards. If you want buy add [Rare] Adventure Wheel Ticket, you spend 100 Diamonds with 10 times to spin. [Epic] Adventure Wheel Ticket if you must spend real money like 0.99 USD (Limit 2), 2.99 USD (Limit 2), 4.99 USD (Limit 2 and Unlimited)


Treasure contains:

Treasure Manual


Monsters and Obstacles[]

Fossil Bird:

"The monster looks at you with disdain and says: I came here before you, why do I have to leave?

If you can give it something to make it happy, and it may leave here willingly."

Item required: 1 Red Zircon (first), 1 Blue Zircon (second), 2 Blue Zircon and 1 Green Zircon (third), 5 Red Zircon and 3 Golden Zircon (fourth), 5 Blue Zircon and 3 Green Zircon (fifth), 6 Blue Zircon, 6 Golden Zircon and 6 Green Zircon (sixth), 8 Red Zircon, 6 Blue Zircon and 8 Golden Zircon (seventh)

Stump Enchanted:

"Looks like the stump is enchanted. You need to consume some resources to ask the Mysterious Merchant to make a new spell to eliminate the stump."

Item required: 5 Elimination Potion, 10 Elimination Potion, 20 Elimination Potion and 30 Elimination Potion

Rock Enchanted:

"Looks like the rock is enchanted. You need to consume some resources to ask the Mysterious Merchant to make a new spell to eliminate the stone."

Item required: 5 Elimination Potion, 10 Elimination Potion, 20 Elimination Potion and 30 Elimination Potion

Underground Puppy or Underground Hound:

"The monster looks at you with anger and says: I will never, ever leave here. Get away, or I'll bite you!

If you can give it something to make it happy, and it may leave here willingly."

Item required: 1 Golden Zircon (first), 1 Red Zircon and 2 Golden Zircon (second), 1 Green Zircon (third), 1 Blue Zircon and 2 Golden Zircon (fourth), 3 Red Zircon and 5 Green Zircon (fifth), 3 Blue Zircon and 5 Golden Zircon (sixth), 8 Red Zircon, 8 Golden Zircon and 6 Green Zircon (seventh), 6 Red Zircon, 6 Blue Zircon and 6 Green Zircon (eighth)

Underground Pangolin:

"The monster looks at you with arrogance and says: What good will it do me if I leave here?

If you can give it something to make it happy, and it may leave here willingly."

Item required: 2 Red Zircon and 2 Blue Zircon (first), 2 Golden Zircon and 2 Green Zircon (second), 4 Blue Zircon and 4 Red Zircon (third), 4 Golden Zircon and 4 Green Zircon (fourth), 10 Red Zircon, 6 Blue Zircon and 8 Green Zircon (fifth), 8 Blue Zircon, 10 Golden Zircon and 6 Green Zircon (sixth)



Make sure to collect all the chest first before breaking the ice with monster.

For Free to Play focus on the Chest first and at least reach 60% or get all Chest before exchanging zircon to adventure shop vouchers.


- Once you enter the MME. It will tell you that the "Top left" of the screen show you the % of your progress in the event.

- No need to MELT all ice since it doesn't have any effect on the increase of your progress.

- You have to clear all the debris (stumps & tombstone) , Shoo monsters, and obtain all the chests to reach 100% progress and complete the event.

- The moment you got the prompt for the event. Immediately spin the wheel to get Zircon to Shoo the monsters and start the spin chance refill counter.

- Whenever you enter the event, you will see "Store" and "Chest" Icon.

• The Store is where you exchange Zircon to Adventure Shop vouchers to use as the event currency to exchange for the MME themed limited rewards. And also where you obtain more potion to melt the ice and exchange to clear the Debris.

  • ~~The "Chest" is where all the treasure chest you obtain from the MME go. There's a total of 26 Treasure Chest every MME. Upon opening the chest, it will give you 3 rare MME limited rewards. The chance of obtaining the rare rewards is by chance so if you are in luck, you can get all 3 rare rewards without the need to obtain or open all 26 treasure chest. You can also see all the possible content of the chest if you click the "!" Or the  icon when you open/click the "Chest" icon upon opening/entering the MME~~ ~**There's No RARE reward this Month**~

- Upon triggering the event. You will automatically have 15 spinning chance.

- The event will last for exactly 7days after triggering.

- Since there is a 2 hours refill counter for 1 spinning chance. The last 2 hours of the event will not refill 1 chance so you will receive a total of 83 from the refill + 15 from opening the event = 98 free total spinning chance.

- If you have extra diamonds you can exchange 1000 diamond  for a total of 50 spinning chance which will give you a total of 148 spinning chance for the whole event.

NOTE: Don't let the spinning chance to get full because the refill counter will reset to 1hr 59mins and 59secs after spending/spinning the wheel to reduce the spinning chance since we have a 15/15 spinning chance bar/limit.

The REASON why this event is NOT a F2P FRIENDLY Event is because to clear/shoo all the monster you will need:

• 50 Red Zircon

• 50 Yellow Zircon

• 50 Blue Zircon

• 50 Green Zircon

  • a total of 200 Zircon to complete the event. But since we only get a total of 148 free Zircon including the 1000 diamond exchange.
  • You will need to top up and obtain at least 52 Spinning chance tickets  of the right color to obtain all the needed Zircon to complete the MME.

NOTE: Unfortunately the Hcoin Shop WON'T be UPDATED in the future so those players who missed the Circus Park Map and Aurora Hill Map won't be able to buy them in Hcoin Shop.


Credits to GM HarYu (Ér Yōu Ā Haruna)

IGN: HarYu

ID: 13399604

Old Version[]

Before in year 2021 Elven Wheel event, you need build decoration full 45 progress to get Space Map limited. To complete Elven Wheel you need pay least 20 USD to complete.

Elven Wheel[]

Elven Wheel

Reward when spin Elven Wheel (Required Adventure Shop Voucher, 100 Star Coin without Adventure Shop Voucher):

Merging Game[]

In these games, players need to drag the same or similar items and merge them together. Once this is done, these items then turn into new and improved items.

If you want buy add Egg Shell, you spend 50 Diamonds with 5 daily limit to get 15 Egg Shell, spend 1 USD with 5 daily limit to get 60 Egg Shell, spend 3 USD with 1 daily limit to get 300 Egg Shell and spend 5 USD with 5 daily limit to get 380 Egg Shell


Progress Reward
Decorate 3 time(s) in total in this event 50 Scale Powder
Decorate 6 time(s) in total in this event 2 1-Hour Speedup
Decorate 9 time(s) in total in this event Exclusive item event
Decorate 12 time(s) in total in this event 100 Scale Powder
Decorate 15 time(s) in total in this event 10 Super Bomb
Decorate 18 time(s) in total in this event Exclusive item event
Decorate 21 time(s) in total in this event 150 Scale Powder
Decorate 24 time(s) in total in this event 5 1-Hour Speedup
Decorate 27 time(s) in total in this event Exclusive item
Decorate 30 time(s) in total in this event 200 Scale Powder
Decorate 33 time(s) in total in this event 150 Harvest Coin
Decorate 36 time(s) in total in this event Exclusive item
Decorate 39 time(s) in total in this event 300 Scale Powder
Decorate 42 time(s) in total in this event 50 Super Bomb
Decorate 45 time(s) in total in this event Exclusive Space Map

Free-to-play Strategy[]

To Further explain:

On step 1. Elven wheel is not counted since the decos there is not part of the main quest for coral map.

On step 2. These are the total coins needed to get the 45th or 36th rewards

On step 3. Depending on your merging style, you will fill the bar either fast or slow so il leave it to your instincts if you can get all the recharge or if not, just a certain level. ex (up to 2/11)

on step 4. For every shot you get 1 star egg.3 star egg is needed to merge and get 21 star coins thus i star egg is worth 7 star coins. But every 25th shot(from last bonus star coin shot) you get bonus star egg worth 21 coins per shot.

Therefore: 25*7 =175 + (5*21) = 280 coins for every 30 shots

*Note: If you miss a star egg bonus, it will result to additional shots needed at the end result on step 5.

on step 5. This "possible shots" depends on how many days you have left for free shot,or if you have still unused shots, or if you are using dias or no..Just add them all up and deduct from the "needed shots".

If value is higher than needed shots, them you have high chance to make it..but if less ...then you need to top up the missing shots.

Once again, this may or may not be accurate but its the closest i myself is using to guesstimate if i could make it on the 36th reward..
