Harvest Town Wiki


The house or cottage is the building where player's character live. It is located on the upper left side on the courtyard. Is the main building in the Manor area and it's upgradeable at the Carpenter's store.
NOTE: This building cannot be moved from the original position.

My House Lv. 1[]

After you realize it is not a dream, John Gray approaches you and explain to you the need of a new house because yours are dilapidated.

Using the Shovel, clear the ruins of the deserted house. Will gives you materials:
2 Mahogany | 10 Stone | 10 Wood | 3 Nail | 3 Cement
Steve Lopez arrive to visit you and will be given task by John Gray to build new house. You give him the gained materials from the ruins and you get a new brand new house, level 1.

Inside, with a single room, you get a bed. Later, you can get skins and decorations; gained from events (like Dream Manor) or from the Featured Shop or from the Harvest Coin Shop.


House Lv. 2[]

  • You get some decoration outside. It's not a cabin anymore, now looks like a house.
  • Inside you get a window and a bit bigger single room.
  • Prosperity +60
  • As a reward for finish quest Revitalize Manor "Upgrade the House": 300 Coin and 90 Prosperity

House Lv. 3[]

  • You gained a second room and some decoration outside.
  • Materials: 3,100 Coin | 150 Wood | 90 Stone | 10 Mahogany | 12 Nail
  • Reward for completing quest Revitalize manor "Upgrade the House: 300 Coin and 220 Prosperity

House Lv. 4[]

At Manor level 30, you can upgrade the house to level 4.

Materials: 5,400 Coin | 260 Wood | 130 Stone | 10 Cement | 10 Iron Wire

House Lv. 5[]

At manor level 40, you can upgraded to the max size and gained 1 garden[1]. This means you will have a second floor and stairs to get there. The garden will be inside the house and its decorative. Gives 730 Prosperity

Materials: 12,800 Coin | 620 Wood | 280 Stone | 20 Screwdriver | 20 Glass

House Lv. 6[]

At manor level 50, you can upgrade the house and inside you will gained a decorative underground storage (basement)[2].

Materials: 25,100 Coin | 1,200 Wood | 480 Stone | 50 Glass | 50 Cement

Pages related[]


  1. In old versions, the garden was in the lv. 4 upgrade.
  2. At version 1.2.8 and current version, the basement has no use.

