Harvest Town Wiki

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How to read/use this page[]

This is the main story line presented in quests. There is a lot of information here, so the quests are listed below, in the same order of appearance in the game; grouped in tables for better reading and posterior reference.



In the game, the quests will be appear on the second row on the Top right side on the screen as a matter of summary. In some cases, in the tables below you will see the "full text story" that appears in the Entrust interface clic on "Full Quest Story" below the quest line.

Some of the Harvest Town Diary quests are grouped for a specific story.


After you complete the first part of the tutorial with John Gray, will start a series of quests. When open the quest window, you will see them, under the tab name Entrust.
Entrust Interface
The Main Quests are grouped by the name "Harvest Town Diary" and progresses the story line of the game.

NOTE: Even though Harvest Town is now officially released worldwide, the Main Quest has not been completed by any player. Finishing the main quest too fast will and/or can leave the player unsatisfied awaiting the future.

Quests list[]

There are some advantages Player can get while finishing the Main Quests:

  • Player can get coins,, and/or Prosperity faster.
  • Another reward that Player can get is Blueprints that can unlock to make crafts or food and completing orders.
  • Doing the main quest also helps the new player through the game with some guidance in tutorials as features are being unlocked.
  • At the beginning of the game, is the fastest way to level up the Manor.

Quests to grow Manor to Lv. 4[]

Quest Name Instruction Requirements Reward Hint
Clean Up Manor Take out the tool in the Chest placed near the manor gate, and clean the Weeds nearby. 0/20


Use Sickle taken out from the Chest.
Farming Basics 1 Reclaim a new plot of land with the Hoe and sow Garlic Seeds. 0/20


Use Hoe got from Clean Up Manor Quest's Reward.
Farming Basics 1 Reclaim a new plot of land with the Hoe and sow Garlic Seeds. 0/20

Sowed Garlic Seeds

Use Garlic Seeds got from Clean Up Manor Quest's Reward.
Magical Scale Powder Use the Scale Powder to accelerate the ripeness of the crops. 0/20

Using Scale Powder

  • Diamond 5
  • Coin 300
  • Prosperity 20

Use Scale Powder got from Farming Basics 1's Reward.
Harvest Crops Long press the "Act" button hand form to collect the Garlic. 0/10

Harvest and collect Garlic.

  • Diamond 5
  • Coin 300
  • Prosperity 20
Logistics Order Harvest the crops and Complete 1 Order from The Phone. 0/2

Deliver Orders

Use Garlics in The Player's Bag.
Plant Seeds Plant another 20 Seeds only the seeding after you accept the quest will be counted. 0/20

Sowed seeds

Use Onion Seeds from The Logistics Order Quest's Reward and harvesting Garlic crops.
Farming Basics 2 Use the Pot to water the crops you planted. 0/20

Watering sowed seeds.

Use Pot from The Clean Up Manor Quest's Reward.
Decorate the Yard Purchase Paper Lantern x2 In the Decoration Shop and place them in the manor. 0/2

Use/edit Paper Lantern

Foxy will give the Tutorial about shopping and editing mode.
  • At this point, the Manor level up to 4 and unlock Community feature on the Phone
  • Completing this quest, triggers the 7D Beginners Carnival Event
  • At the end of the quest, the Map will be unlocked; a tutorial will show Player to use it to go easily to the places to complete next quest.

Quests to grow manor to Lv. 8[]

Quest Name Instruction Requirements Reward Hint
Upgrade Tools Go find David at the Smithy located in the Eastern Town to upgrade your tool. 0/1

Deliver Mysterious Box

  • Usually David can be found at Smithy behind the counter.
  • or
  • Player can tap on the red location pin beside the Quest Tab to find David Hanks.
  • Delivering the box, player get coins and materials needed to upgrade tool.
Paving Roads 1 Collect some Wood, and then learn from David how to build Wooden Roads. 0/40


Use Copper Axe from Smithy to log trees.
Paving Roads 2 Select the Wooden Road and long press the "Tool" button on the main interface to pave Wooden Road x20 in the manor. 0/20

Use Wooden Roads

  • Diamond 5
  • Coin 300
  • Prosperity 80

Use the crafted Wooden Roads and press the "Act" button.
  • Completing this quest you unlock Manor Lv. 5, a new area and Daily quests feature.
  • Clean Up Manor Clean the Weeds in the new areas in your manor. 0/30


  • Use Sickle just like the first main quest; Preferably on the brand new area.
  • A short cutscene with Foxy telling you about a book she found that she can't understand and telling you a story about the manor.
  • Book Foxy ask you to deliver the book to Tom Cole

    Give the book with doodles to Tom Cole.


    Give Book Full of Doodles to Tom Cole

    Book Full of Doodles from Foxy can be found in Player's Bag
    Upgrade Logistics Hub 1 Prepare the materials for upgrading the Logistic Hub.
    • Coin 0/1400
    • Wood 0/70
    • Stone 0/40
    • Mahogany 0/5

    Deliver materials to Steve Lopez

    Upgrade Cottage 1 Prepare the materials for upgrading the Cottage for Steve to upgrade your Cottage.
    • Coin 0/1000
    • Wood 0/100
    • Stone 0/20
    • Hay 0/20

    Deliver materials to Steve Lopez

    Upgrade Cottage 2 Go to the Carpenter's upgrade the Cottage.

    Upgrade Cottage Lv. 1 to Cottage Lv. 2

    Cottage Lv. 2
    Will be given tutorial by the game or Player can upgrade at Carpenter's counter on the "Store" option.
    Cherry and Blueberry Collect some Cherries and Blueberries and send them to Foxy.
    • Cherry 0/10
    • Blueberry 0/10

    Deliver items to Foxy

    Can be collected at North Forest, Northern Town and sometimes in Town Square
    This quests will unlock "ACHV" section on the Bag and reaching manor at Lv. 6.
    New Crops
    1. Purchase Chili Seed x10 and Bean Seed x10.
    2. Return to your manor and plant Chili and Bean, and then go back to Foxy's.
    1. Purchase Seed
      • Chili Seed 0/10
      • Bean Seed 0/10
    2. Plant Seed
      • Plant Chili 0/10
      • Plant Bean 0/10

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100

    1. Can be bought at Grocery.
    2. Plant at Player's Manor.
    Lost Ornament Search for the Necklace along the river. Foxy lost it when resting under a tree. Necklace 0/1

    Deliver item to Foxy

    Can be found at the river beside Grocery under a tree or check Necklace for detailed information.
    Different Hairstyle Go to the Barber's and get a new hairstyle. 0/1

    Go to Sherry Allen

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 150

    After changing hair using Hairdress Coupon obtained from "Lost Ornament" quest, go to Sherry Allen to ask for her opinion.
    Wooden Sword Go to find David to get a Weapon. 0/1

    Go to David Hanks

    • Usually David can be found at Smithy behind the counter
    • or
    • Player can tap on the red location pin beside the Quest Tab to find David Hanks.
    Life Potion 1 Visit Jim and ask about the Ginseng. 0/1

    Go to Jim Ortiz

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 50

    Player can tap on the red location pin beside the Quest Tab to find Jim Ortiz. Jim says to Player can found Ginseng at other Player's Manor by visiting them from Friend Tab on Menu The Game will give Player tutorial and unlock Friends feature and ranking too
    Life Potion 2 Take the Ginseng to Lee Wah to make some Life Potions. Ginseng 1/1

    Deliver item to Lee Wah

    Go to the hospital to find Lee Wah, usually is in there or can tap on the red location pin beside the Quest Tab to find Lee Wah

    Completing Life potion 1, Manor reach level 8 and this unlock the Friends and Ranking features. A tutorial will be show player how to do it. Later, Menu can be used to access these features.

    Quests to grwo Manor to Lv. COC[]

    Quest Name Instruction Requirements Reward Hint
    Northern Town Monster Kill the flying monster Fluff Ball in the East Forest. 0/10

    Go to Peter Allen

    Go to East Forest and kill Fluff Ball using Wooden Sword; after killing it go to Peter Allen.
    Childhood Playmate 1 Collect some Mahogany for Steve to make the frame.

    Full Quest Story:
    Childhood Playmate 1
    Peter is very grateful for you after you told him that you have chased away the monsters. But he has another favor to ask of you. He ordered a Mahogany Frame at Steve's, but it's still not done because Steve doesn't have enough mahogany. So, he wants you to collect some mahogany and send them to Steve.
    Mahogany 0/5

    Deliver items to Steve Lopez

    Log some trees, especially the stump to gain Mahogany.
    Build Well 1 Collect materials for building the Well.

    Full Quest Story:
    <>Build Well 1
    Mahogany is a type of building material, and it needs to be polished to make frames. Steve suggested you prepare the materials for the Well while he does the polishing. How could you do farming well without Well?

    Deliver items to Steve Lopez

    • Log some trees for Woods
    • Quarrying some stone for Woods
    • Log some trees, especially the stump to gain Mahogany
    Build Well 2 Go to Carpenter's to build the Well.

    Full Quest Story:
    Build Well 2
    The materials are ready now, go to the Carpenter's and build the Well. Steve should have finished the frame and has time to help you.

    Go to Steve Lopez

    <The game will give tutorial.
    Childhood Playmate 2 Help Steve give the Mahogany Frame to Peter.

    Full Quest Story:
    Childhood Playmate 2
    The Mahogany Frame is indeed done, but Steve hopes that you could help him pass it to Peter. It seems that he doesn't want to meet this childhood friend of him. Besides, he is occupied with your Well, so, you have to do this favor for him.
    Mahogany Frame 1/1

    Deliver item to Peter Allen

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100

    Deliver Mahogany Frame Reward from "Build Well 2" Quest to Peter Allen.
    Fay's Secret Take some Blueberries to visit Fay and ask her about the details.

    Full Quest Story:
    Fay's Secret
    It seems that Peter and Adam are up to something. You accidentally heard them mentioning Fay when you delivered the frame to Peter. There's no doubt that Peter wouldn't tell you what's their talk about, you could go ask Fay directly, and bring some Blueberries she likes to her.
    Blueberry 0/10

    Deliver items to Fay

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100
    Fay's Request Wipe out the giant rats near the South Mount.

    Full Quest Story:
    Fay's Request
    Fay said that there have been some huge gross rats on the South Mount lately, and the animals in the Ranch are scared to death. Fay worries about these poor little animals, so you promise her to clean up these rats.

    Go to Gary Cruz

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100

    Go to South Mount near the Residence and kill rats using Wooden Sword, after killing it go to Gary Cruz.
    Busy Gary Help Gary collect Stone x50 for him to repair the walls.

    Full Quest Story:
    Busy Gary
    Gary really appreciates your help of chasing the monsters away. To protect the animals in the Ranch from being disturbed again, Gary is rebuilding walls of the Ranch and hopes that you could collect some Stones for him. There are many scattered stones on the South Mount
    Stone 0/50

    Deliver items to Gary Cruz

    Go around South Mount and quarrying some Stones using Pickaxe.
    A Poultry House 1 Go to the Carpenter's to Build the Poultry House, and tell Gary Cruz.

    Full Quest Story:
    A Poultry House 1
    The materials are ready, now go to the Carpenter's and ask Steve to build you a Poultry House. And then go find Gary, he wants to see you for something else.

    Go to Gary Cruz

    This quest can be unlocked at Lv.9 Poultry House unlocked at Lv. 9, below that Player need to level up first. Building Poultry House is the same with Well.
    Fay's Eggs Take the eggs left by Fay to Foxy.

    Full Quest Story:
    Fay's Eggs
    Gary found the eggs Fay left in the Ranch, and ask you to take them to the Grocery to Foxy. Fay lives with Foxy.
    Egg 0/5

    Deliver items to Foxy

    Player can tap on the red location pin beside the Quest Tab to locate Foxy.
    Scarecrow 1 Collect the materials for the Scarecrow.

    Full Quest Story:
    Scarecrow 1
    Foxy said you need some Scarecrows as you have planted many crops. Otherwise the bird would loot some good stuff from your manor. Prepare some necessary materials first.
    • Hay 0/10
    • Teeth 0/5
    • Wood 0/20
    • Coin 0/200
    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100

    Scarecrow 2 make a Scarecrow at David's and then go back to find Foxy.

    Full Quest Story:
    Scarecrow 2
    Take the materials to David and ask him to make a Scarecrow for you. And then go find Foxy, she seems to have something more to tell you.
    Scarecrow 0/1

    Deliver item to Foxy

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 150

    Tap store after tapping on David behind the counter. Then, tap on Forge Tab and chose Scarecrow and lastly pay. After forging Scarecrow, go back to Foxy.
    How to Make Money Prepare the materials, and complete any 2 Orders.

    Full Quest Story:
    How to Make Money
    Foxy worries that you may focus only on working hard and don't know how to make money. She reminded you to check the orders in your phone from time to time. Go prepare the items after you are clear about the requirements, and pay attention to the efficiency and skills to get twofold results with half the effort. Do as Foxy told you and try to complete two orders first.

    Go to Foxy

    Tap on Phone Address Book and chose 2 Orders that ready to be delivered/send.
    Clothes Shop Send the Dyes to Bill of the Clothes Shop.

    Full Quest Story:
    Clothes Shop
    Foxy said that the Clothes Shop is running out of Dyes lately. She happens to have some, and she asked you to take the Dyes to Bill of the Clothes Shop.
    Mixed Dye 1/1

    Deliver item to Bill Hanks

    Disturbed David Go find David at the Smithy and talk about what's troubling him.

    Full Quest Story:
    Disturbed David
    Bill is very grateful for your big favor, and gave you a hat. But compared with himself, he's more concerned with his father David, who seems to be very depressed lately. Bill wants you to talk to his father.

    Go to David Hanks

    Expel Chubby Destroy the monsters Little Chubby on the East Mount. PS: Little Chubby is a different species from Chubby

    Full Quest Story:
    Expel Chubby
    It turns out there are monsters on the East Mount too. They have seriously disturbed David's life. Of course as a righteous landlord, you wouldn't turn a blind eye to it, and David gave you his old weapon. Although it's kind of shabby, it's still better than the Wooden Sword. Go kill those monsters. This will unlock Harvest Town Trifles Quests.

    Go to David Hanks

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 200

    Go to East Mount/Peak to kill Little Chubby with Rusty Sword.
    Monster's Glue Collect some Glues for Lee Yeung.

    Full Quest Story:
    Monster's Glue

    You just showed the Glues drop by Chubby to David. He said that they are best material to make Chests. You can collect some Glues and deliver them to Lee Yeung who is in the RV near the bridge.

    Note: According to Lee Yeung, these Glues may contain some kind of magical energy.
    Glue 0/3

    Deliver items to Lee Yeung

    Killed Little Chubby at Peak will drop Glue.
    Repair Materials Collect some Copper Ores and go find David for his suggestions.

    Full Quest Story:
    Repair Materials
    Lee Yeung want some Copper Wires to make his circuit board, but he doesn't know where to get them. Perhaps David knows how. Help collect some Copper Ores for David to have a try.
    Copper Ore 0/30

    Deliver items to David Hanks

    Go to Ancient Mine unlock at Lv. 10 and enter using Transport Scroll. Mine until you reach 30+ meter deep in the Ancient Mine using Pickaxe to mine Copper Ore.
    Upgrade Pickaxe 1 Prepare the building materials for the Melt Workshop.

    Full Quest Story:
    Upgrade Pickaxe 1
    Davis said that he can't use the Coper Ores directly, and you have to make them into Copper Ingots first. You'll need to build a Melt Workshop to produce Copper Ingots. Prepare the materials first and then go find Steve.

    • Coin 0/1800
    • Wood 0/130
    • Stone 0/60
    • Mahogany 0/6

    Go to Ancient Mine unlock at Lv. 10 and enter using Transport Scroll. Mine until you reach 30+ meter deep in the Ancient Mine using Pickaxe to mine Copper Ore.
    Mysterious Foxy Go ask Foxy if she knows about the origin of the Ancient Mines.

    Talk to Foxy 1/1

    Go to Grocery then interact with Foxy.
    A Kennel Go to the Carpenter's to build a Kennel.
    Full Quest Story:
    A Kennel
    The materials are ready, go to the Carpenter's now and ask Steve to build you a Kennel.
    Talk to Steve Lopez 1/1
    Visit John Visit the Mayor John to learn fishing from him.

    Talk to John Gray 1/1

    Go to Beach and enter the Fishing Shop, then interact with John.
    Learn Fishing Hook fish x5 by the sea.

    Full Quest Story:
    Learn Fishing
    John told you that the most important thing in fishing is patience. He gave you a Fish Rod and asked you to practice more. Go hook 5 fish by the sea.
    Collect Fish 0/5
    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 200

    Go to the Beach and search for a Fishing spot, is where the fish gather and make bubbles. Use the Fishing Rod and, when on your character pop up a "!", click on the Fish Rod icon to start the mini-game. Click on the arrow that go in opposite direction of the fish, maintain the fish at the center of the Fishing Bar.
    Seaside Speciality Help John collect some Shells on the beach.

    Tiger Cowrie Shell 0/5

    Go to the Beach and collect [Shell]] by the sea.
    Dancer's Mother Help John send Mary on the fish she wants.

    Take the fish to Mary Morris 1/1
    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100

    Cooking Ingredients 1 Go to the Carpenter's to build the Sauce Workshop.

    • Coin 0/2100
    • Wood 0/150
    • Stone 0/70
    • Mahogany 0/6
    Prosperity 150

    Go to the Carpenter Shop and buy from Steve Lopez the Sauce Workshop.
    Cooking Ingredients(2 Prepare Garlic and Blueberry Jam and deliver them to Mary.

    Full Quest Story:
    Cooking Ingredients(2
    Make some bottles of Blueberry Jam after the Sauce Workshop is done, and then deliver them to Mary together with some Garlic.

    • Garlic 0/10
    • Blueberry Jam 0/1

    Pick 3 BlueberryBlueberry and take them to the Sauce Workshop. Wait for 15 minutes, than you can pick the Blueberry Jam from the Workshop. Grow 10 Garlic Garlic and harvest them.
    Foxy the Glutton Take a Fried Fish cooked by Mary to Foxy.

    Full Quest Story:
    Foxy the Glutton
    Foxy loves fish too. Mary askd you to take a Fried Fish she made to Foxy as well.
    Deliver Fried Fish to Foxy 1/1
    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100

    Find Andy Go find Andy at the Bar and ask him if he has more of the new drink last time.
    Full Quest Story:
    Find Andy
    Foxy wants you to ask Andy if he has more of that drink she had at the Bar last time.
    Ask Andy Reed 1/1
    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 150

    Delicious Chili Sauce Help Andy make a Chili Sauce and take it to Elly Cole.

    Full Quest Story:
    Delicious Chili Sauce
    Andy said that the drink Foxy had last time is a new product and they are sold out. He could get some more in if you want. But you have to help him make some Chili Sauce for Elly.
    Chili Sauce 0/1

    Deliver it to: Elly Cole

    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 200

    Go to the Sauce Workshop and select the Chili Sauce.
    Research Progress Go to the school and ask the principal about the progress of his research on the files of the archeological team Ask Tom Cole 1/1
    • Coin 60
    • Prosperity 100


    Mysterious Black Figure[]

    When you go inside the school to look for Tom Cole a cutscene start with you out the school. Then, inside, the principal give news about the archeological files and Lee Yeung help is needed but first he wants you to investigate something else. You can choose to ask Lee Yeung, who always works late (recommended) or Foxy, who always takes strolls at night. Choosing Lee Yeung:

    Quest Name Instruction Requirements Reward Hint
    Mysterious Black Figure Find Lee Yeung and ask him whether he has seen a black figure. Tell Lee Yeung what happened to you and the principal. Ask Lee Yeung 1/1
    • Coin 80
    • Prosperity 100

    Investigate the Black Figure You and Lee Yeung agreed to split to investigate the black figure. Go to the clinic to investigate and see if there are some clues about the black figure.
    Full Quest Story:
    You and Lee Yeung agreed to split to investigate the Black figure. The clinic is near the school. Go there to ask around. Maybe you can find some clues.
    Ask Lee Wah 1/1
    • Coin 100
    • Prosperity 100

    Lee Wah tells you about "the Three Treasures". They are David, Gary and Steve.
    Share the Progress Find David and ask him whether he has seen a black figure. Collect the clues provided by the "Three Treasures", then find Lee Yeung and share with him the progress of the investigation on the black figure... Ask Lee Yeung 0/3
    • Coin 240
    • Prosperity 100

    David's Clue 1 Based on Lee Wah's clue, maybe David, who likes to go to the bar, saw the black figure. Go ask him! Ask David Hanks 1/1
    • Coin 120
    • Prosperity 100

    Gary's Clue 1 Based on Lee Wah's clue, maybe Gary, who likes to go to the bar, saw the black figure. Go ask him! Ask Gary Cruz 0/1
    • Coin 160
    • Prosperity 100

    Steve's Clue 1 Based on Lee Wah's clue, maybe Steve, who likes to go to the bar, saw the black figure. Go ask him! Ask Steve Lopez 1/1
    • Coin 200
    • Prosperity 100

    Steve says he was drunk but think was in the deserted area.
    David's Clue 2 David told you that he saw a black figure that looked like a woman and she walked toward the bus station!

    Go to the bus station and see if you can find some clues there.

    Find Block Part Red 0/1
    • Coin 140
    • Prosperity 100

    Gary's Clue 2 Gary told you that he saw a black figure that looked like a woman and she walked toward the beach!

    Go to the beach and see if you can find some clues there.

    Find Block Part Yellow 0/1
    • Coin 180
    • Prosperity 100

    Steve's Clue 2 Steve told you that he saw a black figure that looked like a man and he walked toward the deserted area!

    Go to the deserted area and see if you can find some clues there.

    Find Block Part Blue 0/1
    • Coin 220
    • Prosperity 100

    Andy's Clue 1 When you come to Lee Yeung to share the progress tells you that he didn't have many clues but thinks that it's more like that the black figure was a man. You share about the block parts, but he still needs a decisive clue and ask you to find the bar owner Andy and ask him whether he had the same experience. Talk to Andy Reed 0/1
    • Coin 260
    • Prosperity 100

    Andy's Clue 2 Andy told you that Justin had been followed recently. It may be related to the black figure you are investigating! Go to Justin's home and ask him about the details! Find Justin Ortiz 0/1

    Go to the Red-roof cottage. It will start a cutscene.
    Report the News Find Tom and tell him that "the black figure is Justin's mother". It turns out the true identity of the black figure is Justin's mother--Yuki. Tell the principal Tom this news so he can concentrate on the archeological file research. Talk to Tom Cole 1/1
    • Coin 300
    • Prosperity 100

    Yuki's Request The block toy is severely broken. To spare Justin's feelings, go as Lee Yeung to help fix the toy

    Deliver to Lee Yeung

    • Broken Block 1/1
    • Block Part (Red) 1/1
    • Block Part (Yellow) 1/1
    • Block Part (Blue) 1/1
    • Coin 320
    • Prosperity 100

    Fix the Block Toy 1 It takes one day to fix the block toy. Find him to get the toy tomorrow. 0/1
    • Coin 340
    • Prosperity 100

    Fix the Block Toy 2 Find Lee Yeung to get the fixed block toy. Wait 1/1 day

    Fix the Block Toy 3 Give the fixed block toy to Justin! Deliver To: Justin Ortiz

    Block Toy 1/1

    • Coin 380
    • Prosperity 100

    Go to the Red-roof cottage to deliver the toy. It will start a cutscene.

    Justin's Parents[]

    When you to the Red-roof Cottage to deliver the toy start a cutscene to find out what happen in the family past.

    Quest Name Instruction Requirements Reward Hint
    Upset Justin Justin must be sad now, go comfort him! 1/1
    • Coin 400
    • Prosperity 100

    Yuki's Thought Justin feels sad hearing the quarrel between his dad and mom. Find Yuki and know what she thinks! Find Yuki 1/1
    • Coin 420
    • Prosperity 100

    Go to the Wishing Tree to find Yuki.
    Jim's Thought Know what Yuki thinks and then check on Jim! Find Jim Ortiz 1/1
    • Coin 440
    • Prosperity 100

    Soothe Justin Find Justin and tell him his parents' thoughts. Find Justin Ortiz 1/1
    • Coin 460
    • Prosperity 100

    Andy's Clue Find Andy and ask him whether he knows Jim's past.

    Full Quest Story:
    Andy's Clue
    Jim avoided talking about what happened between him and Yuki. It seems he has got skeletons in the closet. There is no other way but to ask Jim's friends. Maybe they have some good ideas to help Jim.
    Talk to Andy Reed 1/1
    • Coin 480
    • Prosperity 100

    Make Herb Wine 1 Andy suggest go to the elderly in town but not empty-handedly.

    Full Quest Story:
    Make Herb Wine
    Andy doesn't know Jim's past well. He suggested that you bring herb wine to ask the old people in town. Collect the materials to make the herb wine and give them to Andy.

    Deliver to Andy Reed

    • Wheat 0/20
    • Lees 0/3
    • Ginseng 0/10
    • Cordyceps 0/10
    • Tin Tsat 0/10
    • Coin 500
    • Prosperity 100

    Herbs can be found on the Occult Cave or visiting friend's manors.
    Make Herb Wine 2 Andy needs one day to make the herb wine. Find him to get the wine tomorrow~ 0/1
    • Coin 520
    • Prosperity 100

    Make Herb Wine 3 Find Andy to get the specially made herb wine. Find Andy Reed
    John's Clue As per Andy's suggestion, bring the specially made herb wine to find the old people in town to ask about Jim's past. Deliver to John Gray

    Special Herb Wine 1/1

    Tom's Clue As per Andy's suggestion, bring the specially made herb wine to find the old people in town to ask about Jim's past. Deliver to Tom Cole

    Special Herb Wine 1/1

    Pong Ching's Clue As per Andy's suggestion, bring the specially made herb wine to find the old people in town to ask about Jim's past. Deliver to Pong Ching

    Special Herb Wine 1/1

    Old Tokens Bring the tokens you've collected, find Jim and ask him about what happened in the past.
    Full Quest Story:
    Old Tokens
    What happened in the past are unforgettable memories for Jim. To better help him, you need to know the whole story. Bring these tokens to Jim. Hopefully he can tell you what happened in the past.
    Deliver to Jim Ortiz
    • Handmade Compass 1/1
    • Custom Pen 1/1
    • Custom Bracelet 1/1
    • Coin 620
    • Prosperity 100

    Persistence It's still difficult to make Jim open up and tell you his past. Talk to him for 5 days to show him your determination to help. 1/5
    • Coin 640
    • Prosperity 100

    Drunk Words 1 Jim was touched seeing how persistent you were. He promised to talk to you alone some day as long as you bring some wine he likes. Collect the materials to make wine and ask Andy to help you make it.
    Deliver to Andy Reed
    • Wheat 0/20
    • Lees 0/3
    • Yogurt 0/3
    • Sugar 0/10
    • Coin 660
    • Prosperity 100

    Drunk Words 2 Andy told you that it's a bit complicated to make this wine and you needs to wait for one day. Find him to get it tomorrow! Wait 0/1 day
    • Coin 680
    • Prosperity 100

    Drunk Words 3 Find Andy to get the specially made sake that Jim likes. Find Andy Reed 1/1

    Drunk Words 4 After 21:00 tonight, bring Jim's favorite wine and go to the beach as agreed! 0/1
    • Coin 720
    • Prosperity 100

    Cutscene with Jim at the Beach.
    Jim's Past 1 Jim seems drunk... It's not early. You two can go home and have a good rest first. He'll continue with the story tomorrow~ 0/1
    • Coin 740
    • Prosperity 100

    You promised to meet at 8:00 tomorrow night al the Beach.
    Jim's Past 2 Jim and you agreed to meet at the beach at 20:00 tonight. Remember to go there on time! 0/1
    • Coin 760
    • Prosperity 100

    Jim's Choice Find Justin and tell him Jim's thought.

    Full Quest Story:
    Jim's choice
    You never knew that there were so many twists in Jim's past... But the good news is that Jim hopes they three can live together. Bring this good news to Justin!
    Talk to Justin Ortiz 1/1
    • Coin 780
    • Prosperity 100

    Make a Gift 1 Collect the materials to make chestnut mousse and give them to Elly.

    Full Quest Story:
    Make a gift
    Justin hopes that you can convince Yuki. Elly can make chestnut mousse. Yuki's favorite food. Collect the materials to make it and give them to Elly.
    Deliver to Elly Cole
    • Milk 0/15
    • Egg 0/5
    • Sugar 0/8
    • Cream 0/3
    • Apple Wine 0/3

    Make a Gift 2 Give the chestnut mousse that Elly made to Justin! Deliver to Justin Ortiz

    Chestnut Mousse 1/1

    • Coin 820
    • Prosperity 100

    Wait for the News 1 Hopefully that you'll hear good news from Justin tomorrow morning. It's been a long day, now go home to have a good sleep~ Wait 0/1 day
    • Coin 840
    • Prosperity 100

    Next morning a cutscene with Justin at your Manor door.
    Yuki's Reason 1 Find Yuki and ask her why she refused Justin. (Tip~: you need to reach 3 Hearts with Yuki) 0/3 Hearts
    • Coin 880
    • Prosperity 100

    You can give her: Silk Cloth (+84), Tangerine Tea or Mallow Powder

    to increase fondness. If you don't have, give her Sapphire. Talk to her every day; you can found her at the right bench on the Wishing Tree.

    Yuki's Reason 2 Yuki and you agreed to meet at the beach at 20:00 tonight. Remember to go there on time! Talk Yuki 0/1
    • Coin 940
    • Prosperity 100

    Yuki's Past 1 Yuki got a bit when she only finished half of the story. Give her a moment and find her again at 20:00 tomorrow~ Talk Yuki 0/1
    • Coin 960
    • Prosperity 100

    Cutscene with Yuki at the Beach. Continues next day.
    Yuki's Past 2 Yuki and you agreed to meet at the beach at 20:00 tonight. Remember to go there on time! Talk Yuki 0/1
    • Coin 980
    • Prosperity 100

    Cutscene with Yuki at the Beach
    Yuki's Action 1 Yuki needs some time. Find her again tomorrow! Talk to Yuki 0/1
    • Coin 1,000
    • Prosperity 100

    Yuki's Action 2 Find Yuki and ask her how it's going. Talk to Yuki 0/1
    • Coin 1020
    • Prosperity 100

    Yuki's Action 3 Go to the Hospital to see what Yuki's up to! 1/1
    • Coin 1,040
    • Prosperity 100

    Cutscene in the Hospital with Yuki wants to talk to Jim.

    Welcoming party[]

    After Yuki and Jim had been dialoguing about what happened in the past, Pong tells you Jim had been planning to throw a welcoming party for Yuki since she returned. This is part of the Harvest Town Diary and is a list of quests to give a welcoming party to Yuki. Jim Ortiz is trying to please Yuki to stay in town. So decided to give her a Welcoming party. For that, you need to follow next quests:

    Quest Name Instruction Requirements Reward Hint
    Party Bouquet Jim finally understood why Yuki did that. He decided to make change and win over Yuki's heart again. To show his sincerity, he decided to throw a welcoming party for Yuki and hoped that you could help. Let's start with flowers, which are indispensable for parties. Deliver to Jim Ortiz
    • Jasmine 0/10
    • Sunflower 0/10
    • Tulip 0/10
    • Rose 0/10
    • Monthly Rose 0/10
    • Coin 1,060
    • Prosperity 100

    You can use the green house and/or powder to grow out the season.
    Prepare for the Party 1 Jim says he designed the party, write his thoughts and ask for your help to set up and prepare the party and tell everyone. "Collect enough materials, give them to Andy and ask him to help prepare the sparkling wine for the welcoming party. Also, invite him to the party~" Deliver to Andy Reed
    • Lavender Nectar 0/3
    • Wine 0/2
    • Tangerine Pudding 0/2
    • Lees 0/2
    • Coin 1,080
    • Prosperity 100

    Manor needs to be Lv. 54 to be able to prepare Tangerine Pudding.
    Party Invitation 1 Find Pong Ching and invite her family to the welcoming party. Find Pong Ching 0/1
    • Coin 1,140
    • Prosperity 100

    Party Invitation 2 Find Steve and invite his family to the welcoming party. Find Steve Lopez 0/1
    • Coin 1,160
    • Prosperity 100

    Party Invitation 3 Find Peach and ask the kids to bring their whole family to the welcoming party. Find Peach Gray 0/1
    • Coin 1,180
    • Prosperity 100

    Prepare for the Party 2 "Collect enough materials, give them to Elly and ask her to help prepare the snacks for the welcoming party. Also, invite her to the party~" Deliver to Elly Cole
    • Cream 0/6
    • Yogurt 0/6
    • Strawberry Milkshake 0/2
    • King Crab Salad 0/2
    • Pomegranate Juice 0/3
    • Coin 1,100
    • Prosperity 100

    Prepare for the Party 3 "Collect enough materials, give them to David and ask him to help prepare the cutlery for the welcoming party. Also, invite him to the party~" Deliver to David Hanks
    • Gold Ingot 0/5
    • Silver Ingot 0/20
    • Plastic 0/9
    • Coin 1,120
    • Prosperity 100

    Party Progress "All your preparation has been done~ Find Jim and ask him about the progress". Find Jim and ask about the progress of the preparation for the welcoming party. Talk to Jim Ortiz 0/1
    • Coin 1,200
    • Prosperity 100

    Party Invitation "Jim told you that the welcoming party will surely start on time in the afternoon the day after tomorrow and you can be assured. Now invite another star of the party - Yuki!" Find Yuki and invite her to the welcoming party. Tell her the time and location. Find Yuki and invite her to the welcoming party. Tell her the time and location.
    • Coin 1,220
    • Prosperity 100

    Yuki is usually on a bench to the right of the Wishing Tree.
    Preparation Done 1 "Everything is ready~

    Just wait for the party to start in the afternoon the day after tomorrow!" Wait for the preparation for the welcoming party to be done and then go to the party."

    • Coin 1,240
    • Prosperity 100

    Preparation Done 2 "Remember to join the party tomorrow afternoon~" 0/1
    • Coin 1,260
    • Prosperity 100

    Welcoming party day Go to the bar to join the welcome party after 14:00today! 0/1
    • Coin 1,280
    • Prosperity 100

    You will receive a reminder "Go to the bar to join the welcoming party after 14:00 today!.

    The day of the party, when you go inside the bar, a cutscene start with Jim so nervous and ask you: "How do I look today?" You have three possible answers:

    • Trust me, you're handsome.
    • Trust me, Yuki will like it.
    • No-not bad...

    It doesn't affect the scene which answer you choose.

    After Jim's speech, Justin will ask something that will affect Yuki's future itinerary. This CANNOT be changed. Please think twice before you choose! - You can live in Harvest Town and leave when you have to work. - You can live in your old place and visit Harvest Town when you have time.

    • Quest completed: You unlocked Yuki's itinerary (in town - out town..
    • This part of the main quest ends when Tom Cole will ask you to go after the party to talk to him.

    Twist and Turn[]

    Quest Name Instruction Requirements Reward Hint
    A Twist and Turn 1 After the party, the principal wants to talk to you. Go ask him what's the matter. Talk to Tom Cole 0/1
    • Coin 1300
    • Prosperity 100

    A Twist and Turn 2 The black figure the principal saw was not Yuki but someone else?! Based on the principal's clue, go ask Foxy. Talk to Foxy 1/1
    • Coin 1320
    • Prosperity 100

    Abu's Clue Based on Foxy's clue, maybe Abu saw the black figure. Go ask him! Find Abu 1/1
    • Coin 1340
    • Prosperity 100

    Fisher's Clue Based on Foxy's clue, maybe Fisher saw the black figure. Go ask him! Find Fisher 1/1
    • Coin 1360
    • Prosperity 100

    Investigate the Black Figure Based on Fisher's and Abu's clues, the black figure would appear at the factory in the deserted area at night. He seemed to be investigating something. Go to the deserted area tonight to check it out! 0/1
    • Coin 1380
    • Prosperity 100

    Report the News It turns out you can travel to a mystery land through the bus in the deserted area!

    Tell this to the principal. It may be an important clue about how the archeological team went missing!

    Talk to Tom Cole 1/1
    • Coin 1400
    • Prosperity 100

    Make the Detector 1 The principal told you that if you want to know the specific meaning of that purple light, you need to ask Lee Yeung to help make an energy detector. Find him now! Find Lee Yeung 1/1
    • Coin 1420
    • Prosperity 100

    Make the Detector 2 Collect the materials to make the energy detector and give them to Lee Yeung Deliver to Lee Yeung:
    • Darkgold Ingot 0/10
    • Refined Quartz 0/10
    • Glass 0/10
    • Plastic 0/10
    • Carapace 0/10
    • Coin 1440
    • Prosperity 100

    Make the Detector 3 It takes three days to make the energy detector. Go to the vicinity of the bus in the deserted area more these days and see if you can find any new clue! 0/3
    • Coin 1460
    • Prosperity 100

    Make the Detector 4 Lee Yeung's detector should be done. Go ask him! Find Lee Yeung 1/1
    • Coin 1480
    • Prosperity 100

    Place the Detector Go to the deserted area and place the detector beside the bus with Lee Yeung. 0/1
    • Coin 1500
    • Prosperity 100

    Learn the Info 1 Find Foxy and ask her how to cure Lee Yeung and place the detector. Talk to Foxy 1/1
    • Coin 1520
    • Prosperity 100

    Learn the Info 2 Foxy suggested that you ask Fisher and Miu for help. As regards Sako, she will find a way to broker the cooperation between you and Sako. Collect the items that Foxy needs and give them to her. Deliver to Foxy:
    • Emerald 0/1
    • Revival Grass 0/10
    • Peacock Feather 0/15
    • Heart Stone 0/15
    • Cordyceps Sinensis 0/5
    • Coin 1540
    • Prosperity 100

    Cure Lee Yeung 1 To prevent Lee Yeung from having some strange hangover for being affected by the light, find Fisher and ask him to help make the cure potion. Find Fisher 1/1
    • Coin 1560
    • Prosperity 100

    Cure Lee Yeung 2 Collect the materials to make the cure potion and give them to Fisher. Meanwhile, try to get some information about Sako and the purple light from him. Deliver to Fisher:
    • Vigor Powder 0/3
    • Jinjunmei Tea 0/3
    • Hemostatic Drug 0/3
    • Gastrodia Powder 0/1
    • Ganoderma 0/5
    • Coin 1580
    • Prosperity 100

    Cure Lee Yeung 3 It takes one day to make the potion. Find Fisher tomorrow! 0/1
    • Coin 1600
    • Prosperity 100

    Cure Lee Yeung 4 Find Fisher and get the potion to cure Lee Yeung. Find Fisher 1/1

    Cure Lee Yeung 5 Find Lee Yeung and give the potion that Fisher made to him. Deliver Cure PotionCure Potion 1/1 to Lee Yeung
    • Coin 1640
    • Prosperity 100

    Protect Lee Yeung 1 To make sure that Lee Yeung can place the detector safely, find Miu and ask her for help.

    (Tip: please complete the quest Swamp Side Quest - Miu's Whereabouts

    Find Miu 1/1
    • Coin 1660
    • Prosperity 100

    Protect Lee Yeung 2 Collect the materials to make the protective gear and give them to Miu. Deliver to Miu:
    • Sapphire 0/8
    • Ruby 0/5
    • Revival Grass 0/3
    • Silk Cloth 0/10
    • Quartz 0/30
    • Coin 1680
    • Prosperity 100

    Protect Lee Yeung 3 It takes one day to make the protective gear. Find Miu tomorrow! 0/1
    • Coin 1700
    • Prosperity 100

    Protect Lee Yeung 4 Find Miu to get the protective gear that can protect from the purple light. Find Miu 1/1
    Protect Lee Yeung 5 Find Lee Yeung and give the protective gear that Miu made to him. Deliver Special Protective GearSpecial Protective Gear 1/1 to Lee Yeung
    • Coin 1740
    • Prosperity 100

    Protect Everyone Find the principal Tom and give the remaining protective gear to him and tell everyone to stay away from the deserted area. Deliver Special Protective Gear Special Protective Gear 9/9 to Tom Cole
    • Coin 1760
    • Prosperity 100

    Ask About the Progress 1 You are not sure whether Foxy has persuaded Sako. Go ask her tomorrow. 0/1
    • Coin 1780
    • Prosperity 100

    Ask About the Progress 2 Find Foxy and ask her whether she has persuaded Sako. Talk to Foxy 1/1
    • Coin 1800
    • Prosperity 100

    Take the Initiative 1 Foxy told you that monsters worship the strong. Sako will only exchange the information with you when you have proven your strength. Collect all the items on the list and give them to Foxy. Deliver to Foxy:
    • Queen Scale Powder 0/50
    • Emerald 0/3
    • Topaz 0/3
    • Refined Quartz 0/10
    • Dark Essence 0/30
    • Coin 1820
    • Prosperity 100

    Take the Initiative 2 Go to the deserted area with Foxy to find Sako! 0/1
    • Coin 1840
    • Prosperity 100

    The Secret of the Bus Find Sako, tell him that "you was teleported to Swamp Path", and persuade him to exchange the investigation information about the purple light with you. Talk to Sako 1/1
    • Coin 1860
    • Prosperity 100

    Ello's Help 1 Find Ello and tell her the story between you and Sako. Meanwhile, try to gain her recognition so that she would like to help you persuade Sako. Talk to Ello 1/1
    • Coin 1880
    • Prosperity 100

    Ello's Help 2 Ello was willing to help you persuade Sako. As long as you collect all the items on the list, you will win her recognition. Get moving now! Deliver to Ello:
    • Cordyceps Sinensis 0/7
    • Green JuJube 0/12
    • Light Cowrie 0/30
    • Jasmine Nectar 0/6
    • Raw Sapphire 0/20
    • Coin 1900
    • Prosperity 100

    Abu's Help 1 Find Abu and tell him the story between you and Sako. Meanwhile, try to gain his recognition so that he would like to help you persuade Sako. Talk to Abu 1/1
    • Coin 1920
    • Prosperity 100

    Abu's Help 2 Abu was willing to help you persuade Sako. As long as you collect all the items on the list, you will win his recognition. Get moving now! Deliver to Abu:
    • Shrimp 0/20
    • Ruby 0/10
    • Grouper 0/10
    • Grape 0/30
    • Pink Pudding 0/6
    • Coin 1940
    • Prosperity 100

    Barl's Help 1 Find Barl and tell him the story between you and Sako. Meanwhile, try to gain his recognition so that he would like to help you persuade Sako. Talk to Barl 1/1
    • Coin 1,960
    • Prosperity 100

    Barl's Help 2 Barl was willing to help you persuade Sako. As long as you collect all the items on the list, you will win his recognition. Get moving now! Deliver to Barl:
    • Squid 0/30
    • Grass Carp Sashimi 0/10
    • Saffron 0/30
    • Nautilus 0/30
    • Wild Nectar 0/15
    • Coin 1,980
    • Prosperity 100

    Gain Trust 1 Find Sako and prove your strength to him! Find Sako 1/1
    • Coin 2,000
    • Prosperity 100

    Gain Trust 2 Sako promised you that he will sort all the files he had and give them to you, but it will take him two days. Go find Sako to get the files two days later. 0/2
    • Coin 2,020
    • Prosperity 100

    Gain Trust 3 Find Sako and get the files about the purple light from the bus in the deserted area Find Sako 1/1
    Report the News Find the principal Tom and give him the information and files you just got. Deliver Files of the Purple Light Files of the Purple Light 1/1 to Tom Cole
    • Coin 2060
    • Prosperity 100

    Waiting for the Analysis The principal was excited for getting the new files and said that he will analyze them as fast as he can. Go find the principal another day~ 0/2
    • Coin 2,080
    • Prosperity 100

    Principal's Analysis The black figure incident has finally come to an end! Find the principal Tom and ask him about the analysis of the files of the bus in the deserted area. Talk to Tom Cole 1/1
    • Coin 2,100
    • Prosperity 100

    Modify the Detector 1 Find Lee Yeung, tell him about the principal's analysis and ask him to help modify that energy detector. Talk to Lee Yeung 1/1
    • Coin 2,120
    • Prosperity 100

    Modify the Detector 2 Collect the mechanical materials to modify the detector and give them to Lee Yeung. Deliver to Lee Yeung:
    • Darkgold Ingot 0/20
    • Refined Quartz 0/20
    • Glass 0/20
    • Plastic 0/20
    • Carapace 0/20
    • Coin 2140
    • Prosperity 100

    Modify the Detector 3 Lee Yeung told you that it takes two days to modify the detector. Go find him to get the detector the day after tomorrow! 0/1
    • Coin 2,160
    • Prosperity 100

    Modify the Detector 4 Remember to find Lee Yeung to get the modified energy detector tomorrow! 0/1
    • Coin 2180
    • Prosperity 100

    Modify the Detector 5 Find Lee Yeung and get the modified energy detector. Find Lee Yeung 1/1

    Place the Detector Go to the horse farm and place the energy detector. 0/1
    • Coin 2,220
    • Prosperity 100

    Tom's Opinion Peter and Adam want to make a development plan centered on the deserted area to promote the town. We must not allow them to succeed! Go find the principle to find a way to cope with that! Talk to Tom Cole 1/1
    • Coin 2240
    • Prosperity 100

    Development Plan Find Adam and ask him about the details of the development plan Peter mentioned. Talk to Adam Ford 1/1
    • Coin 2260
    • Prosperity 100

    False Sincerity Adam needs you to help him a bit first to show your sincerity to cooperate with him. To learn about the mysterious development plan, collect all the items on the list and give them to Adam. Deliver to Adam Ford:
    • Darkgold Ingot 0/20
    • Glue 0/50
    • Cicatrization Powder 0/5
    • Hemostatic Drug 0/10
    • Rope 0/9
    • Coin 2280
    • Prosperity 100

    Reveal the Plan 1 Tell the principal Tom about Adam's development plan and ask him about his opinion and countermeasures. Talk to Tom Cole 1/1
    • Coin 2300
    • Prosperity 100

    Reveal the Plan 2 Tell the mayor John about Adam's development plan and ask him about his opinion and countermeasures. Talk to John Gray 1/1
    • Coin 2320
    • Prosperity 100

    Reveal the Plan 3 Tell Foxy about Adam's development plan and ask her about her opinion and countermeasures. Talk to Foxy 1/1
    • Coin 2340
    • Prosperity 100

    Reveal the Plan 4 Tell Fisher about Adam's development plan and ask him about his opinion and countermeasures. Talk to Fisher 1/1
    • Coin 2,360
    • Prosperity 100

    Stall the Plan Go to the resort villa and find Adam. Use stratagems to stall his plan. Find Adam Ford 0/1
    • Coin 2,380
    • Prosperity 100
