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Mahogany Fence is a Decoration/Ornament that fall under the Fence Type Item. It can be placed around the grounds of Player's Courtyard/Manor. Mahogany Fence can be crafted, sold at Stall, and also destroyed by tapping the 'DESTROY' button by Player. Placing Mahogany Fence on the ground can make Player able to mark zones and block entries, can be use to make Livestock's and Poultry's Pen. Mahogany Fence can be stacked in 1 slot up to 99 items.

How to Craft[]

Player can use Mahogany Fence Blueprint to make 4 Mahogany Fence by crafting at 'Craft' Menu in Player's Bag. Mahogany Fence (x4) can be crafted using these materials/items:
  • Mahogany 20
  • Mucus 10

Related Page[]

Mahogany Fence Blueprint
