Previous story:[]
Had a romantic marriage with an effusive foreign beauty when he was young. After the novelty of being married to a talented artist faded away, she couldn't bear the plain daily life and left him for a foreign country. He was beaten down and turned into an alcoholic who fell into self-doubt.
Five years later, his ex-wife visited him again with a 5-year-old boy alleged to be his son before she left shortly. The unrestrained artist was forced to take the responsibility of raising the child and started to learn housework and cooking. But he often makes some inedible cuisines and breaks the clothes while washing them...
During his daily life with the pioneer son, his old-school and traditional thinking have made a fool of himself. But gradually he has realized his position and responsibility as a father and regained his enthusiasm towards art.
Harvest Town 2.0 story:[]
An uninhibited artist. Had a romantic marriage with blue-eyed and golden-haired beauty when he was young.
His wife's leaving really beat him and made him an alcoholic decadent.
Five years later after their return to the Harvest Town, his ex-wife visited him again with a 5-year-old boy allegedly to be his son before she left shortly (words have it that she was pregnant when they divorced).
The unrestrained artist was forced to take the responsibility of raising the child and started to learn housework... During his daily life with the pioneer son, His old-school and traditional thinking has made a fool of himself. But the arrival of his son-brother also helped him to regain his enthusiasm towards art.
Favorite (+45):
- Conch Platter (+88)
- Abalone (+86)
Likes (+25):
- Sauerkraut (+40)
Neutral (+10):
- Anything else that is not in the other lists.
Dislikes (-10):
☀Fondness received from gifts is also affected by the gift's quality, so higher quality gifts will give slighter more fondness. Refer to Gift Giving for more details.
- 6:00 - 10:00: Red-roof cottage (asleep)
- 10:00: - 15:40: Front of Bar (Near the Bridge to the South Forest)
- 15:40 - 16:00: Walking to Red-roof Cottage
- 16:00 - 21:00: Red-roof Cottage (Kitchen/Table)
- 21:00 - 21:20: Walking to Bar
- 21:20 - 23:50: Bar (playing arcade games)
- 23:50 - 0:10: Walking home
- 0:10 - 3:00: Red-roof Cottage
- 6:00 - 10:00: Red-roof cottage (asleep)
- 10:00-21:00: Red-roof Cottage (Bookshelf/kitchen/table)
- 21:00-21:20: Walking to Bar
- 21:20-23:50: Bar (playing arcade games)
- 23:50-00:10: Walking home
- )0:10-3:00 Red-roof Cottage
- 6:00 - 10:00: Red-roof cottage (asleep)
- 10:00 - 10:40: Walking to the Peak
- 10:40 - 18:50: Peak
- 18:50 - 19:20: Walking to School
- 19:50 - 21:00: School
- 21:00 - 21:20: Walking home
- 21:20 - 03:00: Red-roof cottage
- 6:00-10:00: Red-roof Cottage (asleep)
- 10:00-10:10: Walking to the deserted factory
- 10:10-18:40: Drinking at the deserted factory
- 18:40-19:00: Walking to the school
- 19:00-21:00: At the school
- 21:00-21:10: Walking home
- 21:10-3:00: Red-roof cottage
- 6:00-10:00: Asleep at Red-roof cottage (Asleep)
- 10:00-10:40: Walking to the beach
- 10:40-18:40: Drinking on the right side of the beach
- 18:40-19:30: Walking to the school
- 19:30-21:00: At the school
- 21:00-21:10: Walking home
- 21:10-3:00: Red-roof Cottage
- 6:00-10:00: Red-roof Cottage (Asleep)
- 14:00 - 18:20: At the Bridge in the East side of the Square, next to the Grocery
- 6:00-10:00: Red-roof Cottage (Asleep)
- 10:00-10:20: Walking to school
- 10:20-18:20: School (Library)
- 18:20-18:40: Walking home
- 18:40-3:00: Red-roof Cottage
Relationship Rewards[]
- View Painting (decoration)
Quest Items[]
- Handkerchief (+15 Fondness and +10 diamonds)
- Dirty Painting (+20 Fondness)
- Liquor doesn’t work anymore!
Heart Event[]
- 3 hearts of Fondness: 9:00 - 10-00 Red-roof Cottage
- 6 hearts of Fondness: 12:00 - 13:00 in front of Deserted Factory