Harvest Town Wiki


The Hospital[1] is located at the Square and it's the first building coming from the Player's Manor. It's open all day, every day. Lee Wah will always be at the Hospital Counter and Lee Yau will occasionally join him after a certain time. Lee Wah, Pong Ching and Lee Yau live there. Sometimes you can see Pong sitting on the outside stairs.


Player can change character's gender & skin color.

Hospital Tab

  • Skin change: 20 Diamond
  • Sex change: 200 Diamond
Hospital HospitalTab
Hospital CommodityTab

Commodity Tab

Name Description Type Price

Skeleton Model

Skeleton Model

Watch my rib. Outdoor Decoration 2000 Coin

Life Potion

Life Potion

Used to recover 50 Life. Potion 150 Coin

ATK Potion

ATK Potion

Increases Attack by 30 for 5 hours (game time). Potion 200 Coin

DEF Potion

DEF Potion

Increases Defense by 10 for 5 hours (game time). Potion 200 Coin


  1. Before was named "Jishi Pharmacy"

