Hoe is a Tool needed to plow lands to prepare them for planting Crops. Players have a chance of getting items such as Coins, Coals, Quartzs, Antiquities, and Garbage whenever they plow either on land or Black Holes. Plowing on Black Hole will sometimes open the entrance to a Dungeon that'll contain Monsters and gifts. Upgrading the hoe at the Smithy allows you to plow lands faster and with less Vitality.
There are 6 types of Hoes, 5 can be upgraded by player using in Ingots & Coins and another 1 can be bought or rent at The Privilege Shop. Those Hoes are Basic Hoe, Copper Hoe, Silver Hoe, Golden Hoe, Darkgold Hoe, and [Infinite Power] Hoe.
Type of Hoe[]
Additional information: The range of plowing also increases by upgrade. Darkgold Hoe, for example, plows on 3x3 frontal grid.