Harvest Town Wiki


Hire Helpers
Address Book

As soon as players reach Manor Level 20, there will be a cut scene in which two NPCs -named Lon and Ben, arrives at the Manor to ask for a job. After a bit of a dialogue briefly explaining what they'll be doing, players now have the option to hire helpers to help them gain resources such as Stone, Wood, Ores, Raw Gems, Insects and crackable items. The interface can be accessed via the Address Book.

In exchange, they require a payment of different number of Special Milk according to the duration of the work given. Higher work duration results in higher milk cost, but will grant you a much bigger return.

Time Cost
10Minutes 1 Special Milk
30Minutes 3 Special Milk
1Hour 6 Special Milk
2Hours 12 Special Milk
4Hours 24 Special Milk
6Hours 36 Special Milk


Hire Helpers2
Hire Helpers3

In addition, helpers can be trained to be able to gather more items.

The max level for training is Level 20.

Hire Helpers Train

Training takes a differing amount of Coins Gold Coin and will increase with the level.

Please note that training now takes a lot more Coins but will finish instantly, so players do not need to wait to hire the workers.
