At level 8, you can add friends, visit them, gift them, like and help them and also ask for their help in your orders.
This feature unlock completing the Main Quest|Life Potion (1) with Jim Ortiz.
A tutorial will show how to access from menu and go to other's players manor.
You can access to this feature from the Menu.
This is a mechanic that allows players to interact with other players. The way this is done is by adding friends, visiting their manors, giving them gifts and giving them likes. You can also leave messages for them and team up with them in the guild.
If you click on the admiration mark on the top left of the interface you'll see this information[1]:
- The Ranking will be refreshed every 1 hour, and the Weekly Ranking will be reset every Monday.
- You need the other party's approval when adding a friend. You will become friends after your request is approved. You can have up to 100 friends.
- You can visit all players and open Boxes in their Manors to obtain rare medicine herbs!
- You can give your friends 10 gifts every day, only once for each friend.
- You can receive gifts from 20 friends each day.
- Don't forget to like your friends from time to time!
- You can display your manor, ride and pet to the manor owners from all over the world in the name card~. You need to upload your name card to show it to other manor owners. Uploading the name card and cloud save share the same cooldown, please pay attention~.
- You need to put your rides and pets in your manor to unlock them in your name card.
NOTE: if you are on your message board, this button will display you the manor popularity. The same thing happens in the Friend's message board.
On the Friend interface you will see the following tabs in this order:
See description of each one below or click on the link word.

On the Rank window you can see the avatar from other Landlords, the level and Manor points. This section can be access from Menu too. They are ranked and grouped by:
- ACHV- number of achievements they and the points.
- Like - numbers of hearths they are received on the week.
- LV - Manor level and Prosperity points
Also you can see the Visit button See below the section Visiting Friends

When unlock feature, you have Boby as your first friend.
- From this tab you can visit, gift or like them.
- There is a maximum of 100 friends (+Boby) in the game.
- There is no limit for "likes". You can click on the red heart for all of your friends.
- Then you will see a single card for each of your added friends (See section below "Adding Friends". On this card you can see the friends information (Name and Manor name).
Also, you can see other information:
- The date is the last date of entry to the game
- The number of likes they got
- If you already like them (red you can like them, gray you liked them)
- If they need help -- red admiration mark
- If you can gift them (blue to gift, gray you gifted)
- If you click on the red X you will unfriend them.

On this tab you could see suggested cards of potential friends. You can add them as friends, like them or visit them if you like. Also you can search for any player by the name or by the ID.
Click ADD button (left bottom corner) type their in-game name or ID and press SEARCH
--> Select on the list the friend you want and click on ADD Button. This will send the application. You must wait for them to accept.
You can visit them first if you want to see the manor or collect gifts first.

If someone wants to add you as a friend, you receive the request in this tab. You just accept it. See section "Adding Friends" and "Tips and Tricks" section for more information.

This tab contains all the gifts you received from your friends. Every day You can give 10[2] and open up 20 received gifts per day.
You can claim your gift clicking on "Claim&Return" button This doesn't mean this "autogift" them back. You can gift them on the Friend tab.
If you click on the USE button, the gift will open and each box could give you random items like:
If you don't click on USE button, it will store in your bag as a "box gift" and you can open it later clicking on the
button takes all of the gifts at once. You still need to manually gift friends in the Friend tab.
NOTE: As a recommendation, you can "like" the friend who have gifted you before take the gift so, later in the Friend tab, you can identify who gifted you and can return the gift. Marking with like, also helps to see which manors you have visited. (See more tips and tricks below)
Adding Friends
How to find friends
You can add more by:
- Click on ADD button
directly from the suggested friends on search tab.
- Click on the Message Board on Manor's friend and click on add friend
- From the Guild interacting and visiting them. Later you can add them.
- Search by name or ID your Harvest Town Community friends or from Harvest Town Official Group on Facebook.
- Using your Invite code from Gifts Window
How to use the Invite code
You can invite friends by code. To do this, you can post your invitation card with your "Invite code" on Facebook.
- You need to go to Gifts menu window
- Select tab "Invite Friends"
- Click on "INVITE" button.
- You get your card with your information and Invite Code.
- Click on
button and wait players send you a request.
- NOTE: You can get rewards if you use this method but has an expiration date when your friends use the code.
- You can get this card with a QR from Tab 1 of System settings --> SHARE button.
Make sure you are connected to your FB account. You will get this card to post:
And when your friend accept a mail arrive to your Mailbox

Now you have a 'linked friend'. You will see a chain on your friends card when he/she accept the request.
Make sure you collect your rewards! Your friend will receive Boby's welcome and some rewards too.

Visiting friends
You can visit your friend's manor from:
- Friend Tab on Friend interface.
- Your message board.
- Guild interface on your phone
- Other manor message board
- Interacting with them inside the Sauna
- Interacting with them in the guild side the Deserted factory
What to do in the visit[3]

- Click on the heart (if it's blue
) to like manor's friend.
- See if they need help on the Help bulletin.
- You can leave a message to your friend on the same way you post messages on your own board
- Collect "laughing herbs".
- Buy the ballon gift box (10 diamonds).
Laughing herbs
- You can collect randomly 5 of this Rare Medicinal Materials:
Revival Grass
You can pickup manually clicking on them or with the ACT button.
Ballon gift

A dialogue box will ask you to confirm it
You will not be able to purchase it if your bag is full. the box will open as a chest and show you the rewards. You can drag them to your Bag or click on "CLAIM ALL" button.
You can receive randomly:

- Seeds
- Building Material
- Cooked food
- Diamonds
- Gems
- Fruits (cherrys, pomegranate, etc.)
Tips and tricks
- Visit top player's manors to get inspiration decorating your manor.
- There are Charm Achievements for getting likes, open ballon gift boxes and number of friends, rewarded with
and Titles.
- Sending gifts and open ballon gift box also complete some daily quests. Open the ballon gift box will help you to complete the Daily quest task to spend diamonds and visiting many of them help H-Cup challenge spend 180 diamond.
- You can prepare your own manor to help your friends to get an easy pickup. The items will appear on free tiles. Mainly appear on the entrance and on the main road. If its locked with decorations, roads, fiber, etc., they move to an other zone. Herbs do not move when spaced at least 3 squares in between each spot. Anything less than 3 and your herbs will be jumping in between spots. Sometimes player level does not allow to release some of the manor zones, if the gift is locked in that zone try another day.
- If you visit your friend later on the same day you will be able to collect the herbs again. The ballon gift box is just once by game day.
- You will arrive at the time, weather and season of your friend is in his/her Manor. Same for you so, if it is possible, make sure you leave the game on the morning because is difficult to get the herbs if everything is dark.
- Time does not pass while you are at your friend's manor, however the time of the "production buildings" continues to run, so you can take advantage and leave everything being created and visit them and get the Signal Tower as soon as possible.
- If you visit your friends' manor regularly you will find that in the long run it is very profitable. Most of the meals that you find in the ballon box gift has a value greater than 400 coins (See a chart in gallery section). This takes time, so be patient and you may receive a lot of diamonds in the process. If you have time and many friends, you will find that you can get approximately 100+ diamonds and enough food to sell each day, but of course it will take you a long time approximately 2-4 hours, that you can invest in making hundreds of objects in the machines while you visit them.
Related pages
- Guild and Guild Racing
- Message board and Help bulletin
- ↑ This info could be outdated because in previous versions the name of this feature was "World"
- ↑ On previous versions of the game apparently the game sent gifts for you and there was no limit for gifts.
- ↑ On previous versions of the game apparently you was able to help friends taking care of their farm animals, and find random prizes
- ↑ Before the name was Hair-Caring grass. You still can see the name when you pickup but in your bag appears like Knotweed.