Harvest Town Wiki
Farm Skill

The Pickup Skill Logo in Game


Farming is the first skill that the player have in the game. After upgrading Farming Skill to level 1 by planting and harvesting crops, player can unlock the skill system. The crops harvested by player will contribute to Farming Skill experience (Exp.) point. Crops in the game divided into 6 types according to the season crop seeds can be planted i.e., any season, 2 seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

Farming Guide[]


Player need to have tools such as, Hoe, Pot, Shovel, Axe, Pickaxe, and Sickle. Hoe and Pot are the main tools that will be used to farm, while the other tools (Shovel, Axe, Pickaxe, and Sickle) will be sparingly used for farming. In order to make player have easier farming time, tools need to be upgraded at Smithy. Seeds are another thing that player will need to start farming. Water also needed and it can be obtained from the river or player can also build Well by paying Steve at the Carpenter's. Other miscellaneous building and items that may be needed are Green House, Scarecrows, and Sprinklers.


Plowing Guide
Plowing the land is necessary in farming, because most of the crop seeds can only be planted on plowed land. Before plowing the lands, player needs to clear everything that can obstruct Hoe from plowing the land to farm. These obstruction came in the form of trees, stones, forages/weeds, sometime oak seeds and pine seeds. Trees can be cleared using Axe, stones cleared using Pickaxe, forages cleared using Sickle, and seeds (oak seeds & pine seeds) cleared using Shovel. After the land cleared of any obstructions, player can freely and easily use Hoe to plow the land. Land that can be plowed are the one with light brown color, land that have grass (green in color) can't be plowed & planted. Plowing with Hoe will consumed player's vitality, the vitality usage will be different depending on the type of the Hoe being used. Clearing the obstructions using other tools also consume vitality.


Sowing Guide
Seed that will be sow can be obtained with various way. Player can purchase various kinds of seeds with different price per every type of seeds from Grocery. Another way to obtain seeds are by plowing the land & black holes with Hoe, from Tom Cole's letter in the manor's mailbox, and also from the children that get hired by Pickup Hire Card, but these seeds are Mixed Seeds. These seeds contain random crops according to the season when the seeds given.

After obtaining the seeds, put the obtained seeds that will be sow in the Player's Bag. Then open the Bag and tap on the desired seeds, so the player's avatar can hold the seeds. To sow the held seeds, tap on the plowed land a few times until all the seeds are sowed. Sowing seeds will not consume player vitality. Another faster way to sow seed is by Happy Farm Vehicle.

Each one of the crop seeds in the game have different mature/ripe and collect time. Some seeds need short time to mature and another need long time to mature. To shorten the crops mature time, player can use scale powder on the crop by holding the scale powder and tapping on the immature crops. Different amount of scale powder used are according to the crop type and immature age of the crop plants. Seeds that sowed not according to their season will not grow, but by using scale powder player can make them grow and harvesting them immediately.

For more information on the crop seeds, player can check the Seed page.


Watering Guide
The sowed land need to be watered, if not the seeds will not grow. After maturing, all the crop plants except fruit trees need watering every day, or they will wither and not bear crops. Tap at the Pot to water the sowed land. If there are no water in the Pot or the water in the Pot already run out, player can go near Manor's river or near the Well that have been built by Steve (Carpenter's) and tap on the Pot (Tips: place the Well near the farm land). The sowed/planted land will turn to dark brown from light brown after being watered. Watering the sowed land and crop plants using Pot will consume player's vitality. Different type of Pot will consume different amount of vitality. If it's raining in the game, player doesn't need to water the sowed land and crop plants. Because it already watered by the rain and also made player not consume vitality. Another way that can be done to water the sowed land and crop plants without consuming vitality is using Sprinklers. Place Sprinklers on certain range of the plants according to the Sprinklers' capability and it will water the farm land from 06:00 A.M. daily. Sprinklers can be obtained by forging it at Smithy and buying it at the in game Shop.


Harvesting Farm Guide
Once the crop plants mature and ready to harvest, it will have mature tips above them. To harvest the crops, player will have to go near the desired crop plants and long press The Act Button (hand form) to continuously harvest the crops. Harvesting crops will not consume player's vitality, but it will still take time. Another faster way to harvest is using Happy Farm Vehicle that can be obtained at the in game Shop, but player need to pay real money to owned it. Player also need to ensure some space in the Player's Bag before harvesting. If there are no space in the bag, player can't harvest the crops. Because crops needs space to storage it.

Sometime if player's farm skill is high enough and have good luck day, a few of the crops can be doubled when harvested. On the other hand if player in bad luck, a few (1 or 2) crops that harvested can turned into Rotten Vegetable.


  • Watering the farm land (plowed land) before or after the seeds are sowed will have the same effect.
  • Well (building) not only can provide water for crop plants, but also can give 5% chance to double the output to [All] crops.
  • Use Scarecrows that can be forge at Smithy to minimalize the lost of crops. Place it within the crop plants range and Scarecrow's capability.
  • Player can plant crop seeds of all season using Green House that can be build by paying Steve at the Carpenter's.

Experience Points[]

All Crop & Tree by Season
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Onion Wheat Sunflower Jinjunmei
Chili Tomato Napa Cabbage Pu'er
Bean Watermelon Cotton Garlic
Strawberry Corn Radish Potato
Longjing Wax Gourd Dahongpao
Biluochun Peanut Goldenrod
Tulip Okra Pumpkin
Rose Maojian Grape
Garlic Jasmine Clivia
Potato Monthly Rose Garlic
Lavender Potato
Peach Peach Banana Banana
Tangerine Tangerine Apple Apple
Mango Mango
Pear Pear


Crop XP
Onion 4
Chili 3
Bean 3
Strawberry 9
Longjing 3
Biluochun 3
Tulip 10
Rose 12


Crop XP
Wheat 4
Tomato 3
Watermelon 9
Corn 3
Wax Gourd 3
Peanut 7
Okra 3
Maojian 3
Jasmine 3
Monthly Rose 10
Lavender 12


Crop XP
Sunflower 5
Napa Cabbage 4
Cotton 4
Radish 5
Dahongpao 3
Goldenrod 3
Pumpkin 7
Grape 3
Clivia 12


Crop XP
Jinjunmei 3
Pu'er 3

All Season[]

Crop XP
Garlic 5
Potato 7

Fruit tree[]

Crop XP
Peach 10
Tangerine 10
Mango 10
Pear 15
Banana 15
Apple 10
