Previous story:[]
A member of 'Three Treasures of Harvest Town,' and a typical chatty headstrong man.
He often directly states his opinions and dissatisfaction about the other party in front of his/her face, sometimes with a little bit lecturing tone like a male chauvinist.
Every time he runs into the carpenter's daughter, he nags 'Why a girl hangs around instead of staying at home cooking meals.
When someone runs into him, he would nag: 'The elder daughter of the principal is great, but why the little one doesn't behave? She practices Kung Fu, wears a short hair and doesn't know how to cook!'
"A smithy... ha-ha-ha! It's supposed to be men's job. No women can handle this!"
Harvest Town 2.0 story:[]
One of the "Three Treasures (Sillies) in Harvest Town". The blacksmith is a typical male chauvinist who talks too much. He has a booming voice and is impulsive.
This sexism chatterbox often shows his discontent over many people and many things, while his male chauvinist homily would make everyone speechless. Foxy always makes fun of him. Yet, he's defeated by Foxy in every time he tries to reason with Foxy after being teased, then he'd gabble on and on to his innocent son... (Poor Bill).
He is slovenly and doesn't like to tidy himself up. He always reeks of the strong stink of sweat, which is called by him as "The Smell of Men".
Loves performing but not very good at it. He was handsome when young, but he grew stout later and is out of shape now.
Favorites (+45): []
- Hemostatic Drug (+95)
Likes (+25):[]
- Seaweed Dish (+90 on his birthday)
Neutral (+10):[]
- Anything that is not in the other lists.
Dislikes (-10):[]
Relationship Rewards[]
Items & Etc.[]
- David Hanks gives you the Rusty Sword before you head into the Occult Cave
Quest Item[]
- Furnace Part (+20)
If it is sunny:[]
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- 20:00 - 23:00: Chatting with Gary Cruz outside the Bar by the riverbank
- 23:10 - 23:40: Walking home
- 23:40 - 03:00: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- during Bonfire Party: inside the bar with Gary Cruz and Steve Lopez
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
If it is raining/storming/snowing:[]
- 06:00 - 03:00: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
- 06:00 - 18:30: Smithy
Heart Events[]
- 3 hearts of Fondness: 13:00 - 14:00 at the Smithy
- 6 hearts of Fondness: Eastern Town