Harvest Town Wiki


It can be accessed automatically every time Player log onto the Game, through the Daily Quest icon DailyQuest Iconletters or Menu > Daily Quest DailyQuest Icon

Daily Quest

Daily Quest Task List

Daily Quest offers a collection of tasks that has to be completed within a day for Player to claimed the Rewards.

There are a total of 15 tasks that can be choose freely by Player to gain Activity Points as long as the total Activity Points meet the required Activity Points to claimed Rewards. The points are cumulative; see table below.

The yellow progress bar on top of Rewards keeps track of Player's Total Activity Points. When you complete a task or get the points needed, a red dot on the icon will appear DailyQuest IconRedDot collect the points clicking on the "Claim" green button to sum the points.

By the end of the day, the progress will resets to 0:00 am (UTC+0) (real time), and the cycle repeats.

Tasks and Rewards[]

Completed Daily Quest

Daily Quest Completed Task

Rewards from Daily Quest can be claimed if Player reach Total Activity Points at 20, 50, 70, 100, and 130. The points inside parentheses in the table above are just example, but the Rewards mentioned are the one that Player will got at certain Activity Points in The Game. The biggest Reward requires 130 Activity Points which is possible to achieve within a day.

On the table below you can see an example and the total of the activities.

Activity points
Name Task Activity Gained Total Activity Points (Example) Reward
Daily Login
Log on once a day
+5 20 Activity reward
DailyQuest Activityreward20

Cut down 10 trees.
Collect 20 times in the Ancient Mine. (Only Manor Level 20).
Cave Exploration
Go to the Occult Cave to kill 30 monsters. (Only Manor Level 20).
+10 50 Activity reward
DailyQuest Activityreward50
Return the favor
Send gifts to 10 friends.
Happy Town
Send gifts to 10 NPC citizens.
Decorate Manor
Purchase 3 decorations (excluding pendants).
+15 70 Activity reward
DailyQuest Activityreward70
Complete 20 productions in any Workshops.
Mysterious Powder
Use Scale Powder to accelerate the ripeness of the crops 10 times.
+20 100 Activity reward (110)
DailyQuest Activityreward100
Earn Money
Complete 8 orders.
Harmonious Town
Complete 2 time-limited quests published by the citizens.
+10 130 Activity reward (140)
DailyQuest Activityreward130
Daily Online
Stay online for 30 minutes.
Spend Diamonds
Spend 10 Diamonds in total.
Spend Coins
Spend 5000 Coins in total.
Ads Speedup
Watch 3 ads in Daily Quests.

Tips and Tricks[]
