Harvest Town Wiki


Copper Ore is an ore for New Players that only have Basic Pickaxe at the beginning. Copper Ore can be mined from Raw Copper (Raw Copper) & Big Raw Copper (Raw Copper Ore) at the depth of +30m (Copper Layer) until 8000m (before Gemstone Layer) in Ancient Mine. Mining Raw Copper will give 1 - 2 Copper Ore(s), while mining Big Raw Copper will give 15 - 20 Copper Ores. Player can find Raw Copper & Big Raw Copper when they temporarily sparks/glint (Raw Copper Glint) orange at the place it's located.

Copper Ore can be sold at Stall with different price according to it's Quality. It can also be destroyed by tapping on 'DESTROY' button. This item can be stacked in 1 slot up to 99 Items/Copper Ores.



Copper Ingot

Copper Ingot

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