Harvest Town Wiki


Clark is a deliveryman who appears when the player completes orders.

Clark appears to have black hair and dark green eyes. His character portrait shows that he has a dark brown beard, however his world sprite depicts him as having a black beard. He wears an all-grey delivery uniform, along with a black delivery backpack with brown markings on the straps, a black-brimmed grey cap, and a dark grey watch.


Although other interactable objects are prioritised over him, Clark can be talked to during his visit to the player's farm. Doing so will cause him to offer one of two lines:

"Xue Hua Piao Piao Bei Feng Xiao Xiao---"

"More packages come with more money! Ha ha!"

If the player has not completed an order in some time, or Clark has not shown up in a while, he will offer the same line of dialogue as stall visitors and other deliverymen:

"... Mmm... [Player Name]? It's been so long..."


As of version 2.0, despite having a heart next to his name, you cannot give gifts to Clark, and he does not appear on the community tab.


Clark will appear randomly from a pool of five deliverymen when the player completes an order. He will walk from the entrance of the manor to the player's Logistics Hub, then back to the entrance and leave.


  • One of Clark's dialogue lines appears to be a reference to the song "Yi Jian Mei" (一剪梅) by Yu-Ching Fei.

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