Harvest Town Wiki


Chest is An Other Type item that Player can get (1 Chest) after starting the game. Player can also crafted it. Chest can be sold at Stall and can also be destroyed by tapping the 'DESTROY' button. To use Chest, Player can tap on The Chest in Player's Bag then place it manually or using 'Edit Mode'.

How to Craft[]

Player can use Chest Blueprint at 'Craft' Tab in Player's Bag to make 1 Chest. Chest can be crafted using these materials/items:
  • Mahogany 10
  • Glue 6
  • Teeth 3


Chest have 36 (6x6) slots that can be used to store Player's items. The Chest's color can be change from the basic dark brown color. There are 16 colors that Player can chose. Player can also rename the chest. Chest can also be categorized as a decoration/ornament because it can be placed inside or outside the manor using the 'Edit Mode'. Player can arrange item automatically by clicking on the blue square (right bottom corner of the Chest inventory).

Related Page[]

Torch Blueprint
