Calendar can be obtained by finishing The Main Quest, "Northern Town Monster". It can be hanged on the wall of the manor. Calendar will need 3x1 vertical grid area so that it can be hanged on the wall.
Calendar Guide[]
Calendar that have been hanged can be accessed by Player through 2 ways, that is by tapping on the hanged Calendar or by tapping on one of these sun icons in The Player's Bag that will change everyday. After tapping it, Calendar Interface will showed up.
The showed up Calendar Interface will display Date, Day, Year, Season, Luck, and what kind of action recommended by The Game for the day. Knowing these things will help in improving Player's performance in The Game. Generally Calendar act as a reminder for Player in The Game.
Here are some explanation for every aspects in The Calendar Interface:
- Date: Date in Harvest Town consist of 28 days for every season. By knowing the date Player can be aware about the event that happening at that Date. This events include, NPC's birthday, Beach Party, and Fireworks Party. It can also help Player planning on the planting of the Crops that have different grow & mature time and help when to restock Animals' feed.
- Day: Day in Harvest Town consist of Monday (MON), Tuesday (TUE), Wednesday (WED), Thursday (THUR), Friday (FRI), Saturday (SAT), and Sunday (SUN). Knowing the day will make Player aware of event like Bonfire Party that happen every Saturday on sunny day. It's also help Player on stalking NPC's schedule on the right day and right weather.
- Year: 1 Year in Harvest Town consist of 4 season, where 1 season consist of 28 days. The Year aspect just to let Player know how long game time have been running.
- Season: Season is also one of important aspect of the game. It make Player aware what kind of season that's happening. With knowing the season, Player knows what kind of Crops, Pickup Items, and Fish that can be gained at that specific season.
- Luck: Luck is one of the important and often overlooked aspect of the game. Luck can be divided into Super Luck, Good Luck, Common Luck, Bad Luck, and Terrible Luck. Different luck will give different effect on Player's action throughout the day. Because different luck will give different impact on the number of drops, spawns, crafts, gained items, etc as long as it give outcome for Player.
- Recommended Action: Recommended Action usually correspond with Skill Action, such as farming, logging, mining, fishing, breeding, pickup, and working. It's divided into Recommended Action symbolized with [✓] and Not Recommended Action symbolized with [X]. Player can find out what the details of the [✓] or [X] of the day means by clicking on those marks. [✓] symbol will usually be something like increased of drops, spawns, crafts, gained items, etc as long as it give outcome for Player. While [X] symbol will usually mean the decreased of gained items and even can give Player garbage as it replaced the supposed gained item. The better the luck, the better it will give effect of [✓] and [X] Recommended Action for Player.