Harvest Town Wiki
Bonfire Party


The Bonfire Party takes place every Saturday from 18:10 - 23:10, located at Eastern Town, beside the lake. This event is only available on sunny days and, thus, is not available during rainy and snowy weather.

Almost all of the Harvest Town's Bachelors, Bachelorettes, and Children will attend the party while the adults will follow their normal schedules.

What's Available[]

During the party, Player can eat different types of food for free up to six times by tapping on the huge hotpot. Each time you eat, the food will be a random type which is instantly consumed and will cause an increase or decrease in Player's Vitality and Life Capacity. Some food items will also give the player buffs that last over a period of time. After the sixth time eating, The Game will say, "You're too full to eat anything" and Player can't eat from the huge hotpot anymore.


During The Bonfire Party, Player can talked to Bachelors, Bachelorettes, and Children, which will provide a number of lines. Here are the lines:
  1. Peach Gray
  2. "Grandpa told me that there're fish here too."

    "Maybe I can take adventure into the cave!"

    "If I hide in the cave, no one is gonna find me!"

    After changing position at night

    "The teacher asked us to write a weekly note about tonight. How should I write it?"

  3. Justin Ortiz
  4. "I don't know what time is it in the US, what is my Mom doing. Is she looking at the same starry sky with me?"

  5. Jerry Allen
  6. "Once I was just gonna hide into the cave...No , I shouldn't tell you this."

    "No one will find me if I hide here!"

    "How did you know I'm here..."

    After changing position at night

    "What does "geez" mean? This is what Yau said when he saw Ella put fried rice into the pot."

  7. Glen Cruz
  8. "Look! A shooting star! Make a wish now!"

  9. Fay
  10. "May I ask you to sing a song for us? I'm, I'm in the mood!"

    Fay's Bubble Speech

    "Hey...! Would you... mind staying with me for a while...? Don't leave so soon... Okay...?"

  11. Jessie Morris
  12. "Can you come to cheer me up on site in my next match out of town?"

    Jessie Morris' Bubble Speech

    "Don't you eat with me?"

  13. Foxy
  14. "I really like these parties, they make me feel less lonely. But now I have you~"

    "You can dislike me even if I'm out of shape~ I'll be angry if you do~!"

    Foxy's Bubble Speech

    "Ho ho ho~ you finally get time to join our gathering, little one~? You have been very busy these days... I'm worried about your health..."

  15. Lee Yeung
  16. "Oh oh, are you here for Fay?"

    "I can design an automatic milking machine, which can spare her a lot of work."

    Lee Yeung's Bubble Speech

    "You... You are so busy every day. Make sure to eat enough...! And eat well...!"

  17. Ella Cole
  18. "I don't know when those kids can grow up to compete with me. The youth here are too tender."

    Ella Cole's Bubble Speech

    "[Player's Name]! Hurry up--- Go get some food from the pot and eat by my side~"

  19. Sherry Allen
  20. "I fed my dog with the remaining hot pot, but the dog..."

    Sherry Allen's Bubble Speech

    "There you are~ I bet with Jerry on our way that you'd come here tonight~ Come join us?"

  21. Lee Yau
  22. "If you feel a stomachache, you can come to me for detoxification medicine I've prepared."

    Lee Yau's Bubble Speech

    "The dishes are hot. Be careful while eating."

  23. Andy Reed
  24. "We've got various wine here!"

    Andy Reed's Bubble Speech

    "Eat some more. If that's not enough, come with me to the Bar. I can make whatever you want."

  25. Duke Evans
  26. "I can play any song you want to listen to~"

    Duke Evans' Bubble Speech

    "Listen--- (In a whisper) I saw a black bubble in the pot just now... You have to be careful while eating...!"

  27. Bill Hanks
  28. "My Dad asked me to attend more gatherings of youth to improve my EQ. But I just feel comfortable talking to you."

    Bill Hanks' Bubble Speech

    "[Player's Name]---! Come here! Quickly---! Great, we can have dinner together again!"

  29. Chris Ford
  30. "You love this? I know a luxurious western restaurant. Let's go there together next time."

    Chris Ford's Bubble Speech

    "Oh, you're here. Come here. I can get you whatever you want to eat."

  31. May
  32. "I heard that you've collected a lot of ingredients. Hopefully I can taste the food you make one day!"

    May's Bubble Speech

    "Elly is really awesome--- I guess I should learn how to cook too! And I will cook for you once I've learnt it!"

  33. Elly Cole
  34. "Tell me your preferences. So I can put more food you like next time~"

    Elly Cole's Bubble Speech

    "Let's chat while enjoying the soup~?"

  35. Lulu Lopez
  36. "I'd better stay away or I may get the smell of oil on my hair. Is there any smell now?"

    Lulu Lopez's Bubble Speech

    "Have more if you like it... You are too slim to keep balance in the gale..."
