Harvest Town Wiki
Beginner 7DCarnivalEvent

Icon Event

Beginner 7D Carnival is an event that allows new players to get rewards every day they play the game for the 7 real first days of your game.

It is needed almost to complete all the tasks to obtain the 900 E B7DCarnival Points (event points) needed to get the rewards. "Complete the event to get Mini Green House, Farming Assistant, etc. for FREE.

Limited rewards worth of 2888 Diamond"

E B7D BeginnerCarnival


  • Some of the tasks repeats for everyday (crops, produce in workshops, complete orders). This are not quests, are daily tasks that allows you to raise up the manor very fast.
  • It is necessary increase Level Manor at least to Lv. 20 to complete the tasks that involves workshops.
  • Some of this tasks are repeated 2 or 3 times, example: complete any order 2 times, when you complete this, you need to do it again. You can see at the end a number (1/1 or 1/3, etc.).
  • In this event will be available a special shop to obtain tools or items to help in the quests. It opens also a shop (real money).
  • It will be available also 7 day login with a special items as a reward.

  • Complete any order N times (x3)
  • Gain Cash Crop (x3)
  • Pickup items 20 (x1)
  • Own a Common Poultry House (x1)
  • Produce 3 time(s) in the Sauce Workshop (x3)
  • Send gift to NPC N time(s) (x3)
    • Reward 135 E B7DCarnival Points

  • Complete any order N times (x3)
  • Gain Cash Crop N (x3)
  • Own a Lv. 1 Mill (x1)
  • Own a Lv. 1 Fish Pool (x1)
  • Produce 3 time(s) in the Mill (x3)
  • Gain N Pickup item (x3)
    • Reward 130 E B7DCarnival Points

  • Complete any order N times (x3)
  • Gain any Pickup item (x3)
  • Own a Lv. 2 Juice Workshop (x1)
  • Own a Lv. 3 Cottage (x1)
  • Produce 3 time(s) in the Juice Workshop (x3)
  • Complete N Bulletin quest (X3)
    • Reward 130 E B7DCarnival Points

  • Complete any order N times (x3)
  • Gain any Tea Leaf (x3)
  • Own a Lv. 1 Tea Workshop (x1)
  • Own a Lv. 1 Greenhouse (x1)
  • Produce 3 time(s) in the Tea Workshop (x3)
  • Reach X Hearts with X NPC(s)
    • Reward 130 E B7DCarnival Points

  • Complete any order N times (x3)
  • Gain N Silver Ore (x3)
  • Own a Lv. 2 Mill (x1)
  • Own a Lv. 3 Logistics Hub (x1)
  • Produce 3 time(s) in the Mill (x3)
  • Reach N Cave floor (x3)
    • Reward 130 E B7DCarnival Points

  • Complete any order N times (x3)
  • Gain N Goose Egg (x3)
  • Own a Lv. 2 Melt Workshop (x1)
  • Own an Adv. Poultry House (x1)
  • Produce 3 time(s) in the Melt Workshop (x3)
  • Gain N Silver Tool (x3)
    • Reward 130 E B7DCarnival Points

  • Complete any order N times (x3)
  • Gain N Fish (x3)
  • Own a Lv. 1 Seafood Workshop (x1)
  • Own a Lv. 4 Logistics Hub (x1)
  • Produce 3 time(s) in the Seafood Workshop (x3)
  • Stay online for N minutes in total
    • Reward 130 E B7DCarnival Points

  • Rewards[]

    Required 20 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
    Reward (In-game)
    E B7D Reward20 Diamond(x50)
    E B7D Reward50 ElephantSprinkler5x5(x1)
    E B7D Reward100 Diamond(x50)
    E B7D Reward150 WhaleFarmingAssistantI(x1)
    E B7D Reward200 Diamond(x80)
    E B7D Reward300 SpecialMilk(x10)
    E B7D Reward400 Diamond(x80)
    E B7D Reward500 BobySkyLantern(x4)
    E B7D Reward600 Diamond(x100)
    E B7D Reward700 OptionalMaterialPack(x5)
    E B7D Reward800 Diamond(x120)
    E B7D Reward900 minigreenhouse
    Description The advanced currency which has a wide range of usage. An elephant that likes to play water, it can prevent droughts. Put to sprinkle water on a 7*7 range at 6 a.m. daily, and can drive the crows within this range. The advanced currency which has a wide range of usage. Whale Assistant, Lee Yeung's latest invention. Put to sprinkle water on a 7*7 range at 6 a.m. daily, and can drive the crows within this range. The advanced currency which has a wide range of usage. Special Milk used to recover 200 Vitalities. Flavored Milk of Harvest Town, which has a mysterious recipe The advanced currency which has a wide range of usage. Sky Lantern illuminates the manor at night. The advanced currency which has a wide range of usage. Optional Material Pack used to get 3 or 5 of the building material type you choose. The advanced currency which has a wide range of usage. Mini Green House can grow off-season crops.

    7D Login rewards[]

    E B7D 7DLogin

    Discount Shop[]

    E B7D DiscountShopLogo

    Some of this items will unlock when reach certain Manor level.

    Discount Shop items
    Max Lim Purchase Description Value Price
    5 Minimilk Mini milk +250% 2 Diamond
    1 Coins +200% 15 Diamond
    3 Scale Powder +200% 100 Diamond
    3 Starter Hire Card N/A 15 Diamond
    5 Transport Scroll +300% 1 Diamond
    1 Lucky Draw Ticket x1 +167% 360 Diamond
    10 Lucky Draw Ticket x10 +125% 48 Diamond
    5 Harvest Coin x300 +500% 120 Diamond
    2 Harvest Coin 2000 +167% 2400 Diamond
    1 Harvest Coin x5000 +125% 8000 Diamond
    1 Order Building material Card (15 chances) +370% 60 Diamond
    5 Order Building material Card (15 chances) +185% 120 Diamond
    1 Super Sprinkler N/A 60 Diamond
    1 Infinite Power Axe (limited) N/A 10 Diamond
    1 Infinite Power Picaxe (limited) N/A 10 Diamond

    Support Pack[]

    Is a special real money shop to help player to complete the event.

    E B7D SupportPack
    E B7D SpecialShop(RM)

    Tips to complete it[]

    1. Login and play every single day.
    2. Make sure you open the 7D Login event window.
    3. Make sure to collect event points and collect rewards as you complete tasks. You will see a red dot on the event logo when you have completed a task.
    4. Complete all orders in the Logistics Hub, you will be rewarded with the building materials for construction and upgrading of workshops with each order completed.
    5. As buildings are unlocked with the carpenter, acquire them.
    6. As soon as you can, place the Magic Portal and use your first crystal to buy a goose.
    7. Sleep at 8 pm daily. It will keep your vitality and life 100%.
    8. Hire child to pick up fruits and shells
    9. Level up your logging skill by cutting all the trees around harvest town as soon as they are available. They normally respawn every 5 in game days so just schedule it around those times.
    10. Mine if you are not planting crops. You need to reach silver layer as fast as you can to maximize your mining skill and be able to get your mining worker running to get your ores.
    11. When you reach Manor Level 20, train and hire workers to help you logging and mining.
    12. At level 8, you can add friends. Visit them, gift them, like and help them, ask for help in your orders.
    13. Stock up on salt or sugar and give it to Ella daily until she reach 7 hearts. The baseball bat reward is enough to reach to level 60 in the cave.
    14. Plant a lot of potatoes at the beginning will be a good gift for NPC's. Talk to them daily and gift them to reach 2 hearts easily.
    15. If you are running out of coins, use Stall to sell goods. Fishing is a good way to earn coins too.

