Previous story:[]
The Bar owner. His bar locates not far from the school. He excels at making wine and tasting wine. As a gentle and easygoing person, he is very casual about his life, but very serious and rigorous with his wine. Ella has been confiding in him since she was a kid, and he is always able to make the wine which can make Ella happy. Ella has a crush on him, but to him she is just a child. He likes her sister Elly. Every time he sees Elly, he becomes a totally different man who can see no one but her. (For example, if Elly sends him some desserts, he would stare at Elly while he licks the lunchbox lid and keep saying: this is awesome! And if Elly says: That's not edible you fool!, he would wear the lid on his head and reply: It looks awesome too, I just love it! If Elly gives him a sweet smile, he would reply with a silly laugh.) DO NOT ask him to make wine at such moments. But Elly doesn't know his emotions -- she only sees him as a funny guy.
He calls himself the "Jack Dawson" of Harvest Town.
Harvest Town 2.0 story:[]
A mature man from outside the town. He knows alcohol very well, and is a gentle and easy-going person. He opens a "bar" not far from the school. He's pretty casual with life, yet very strict with alcohol.
He was a gangster when he was young. Words have it that he's very good at fighting and has a rich life experience. He seems optimistic, but he would show his melancholy and depression unconsciously during chats.
Favorite (+80):[]
- King Crab Salad
- King Crab (+86)
- Spicy Rice Noodle (+86)
Likes (+40):[]
- Wine (+43)
- Lees (+44)
- Chili Sauce
Neutral (+2 to +6)[]
- Everything that's not on this list (*Depends on the quality of the gift)
Dislikes (-10):[]
- Crops
*Fondness received from gifts is also affected by the gift's quality, so higher quality gifts will give slighter more fondness. Refer to Gift Giving for more details.
Quest Items[]
Dartboard (+20 Fondness and Dart Target)
If it is sunny:[]
- 09:30 - 11:40 : Town Square (left side)
- 11:40 - 12:40 : Walking to Beach
- 12:40 - 22:00 : Beach (left docks)
- 23:00 - 23:50 : Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 03:00 : Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
- 9:30 - 13:40 : Town Square (left side)
- 14:00 - 23:50 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 03:00 : Inside Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
- 09:30 - 13:40 : Town Square (left side)
- 14:00 - 23:50 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 03:00 : Inside Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
- 09:30 - 09:50 : Town Square (left side)
- 10:10 - 13:30 : Grocery
- 14:10 - 23:50 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 03:00 : Inside Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
- 09:30 - 13:40 : Town Square (left side)
- 14:00 - 23:50 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 03:00 : Inside Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
- After repairing Shabby Hot Springs, Andy will go there between Aprox. 19:20 - 22:00, Instead staying at the bar.
- 14:00 - 18:00 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 18:50 - 22:00 : Eastern Lake (party)
- 23:00 - 23:50 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 03:00 : Inside Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
If it is stormy/rainy/snowy:[]
- 06:20 - 18:50 : Outside Bar
- 19:00 - 23:50 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 03:00 : Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
- 09:50 - 13:40 : Inside Grocery
- 14:00 - 23:30 : Inside Bar (counter)
- 00:00 - 3:00 : Inside Bar (bedroom, sleeping)
Harvest Town Affinity[]
- A memory - The Mysterious Bar
20 Lees, 50 Blueberry, 15 Mango Juice, 15 Peach Juice, 10 Butter, 10 Cream
Heart Events[]
- 3 Hearts of Fondness: Sunny morning, when entering Town Square
- 6 Hearts of Fondness: ??-14:00-15:00-17:40??, when entering Town Square
- 9 Hearts of Fondness: ??-16:00 when entering Grocery
- 11 Hearts of Fondness: after 17:00-??, Sunny afternoon, when entering Beach
- If you're ever in need of Liquor, give him Ginseng. He will give you Liquor in return. You can give him liquor as well as a gift everyday for added fondness. (Doesn't work anymore)
- Give him a Lucky Cap from Justin Ortiz's fridge and he will give you coins and fondness.