Harvest Town Wiki


5-Minute Speedup Card is one of Speedup Card that can be used by Player. It can't be sold and also can't be destroyed. Because after obtaining it, the card will automatically added into Hourglass. This item is also easily obtainable and useful to speedup game play.

How to Obtain[]

There only 3 ways to obtain 5-Minute Speedup Card, that is:
After obtaining 5-Minute Speedup Card, it will be automatically converted and added into The Hourglass as 'Remaining Time'. For more information of Hourglass check this page (Speedup Card).


Usage of 5-Minute Speedup Card has been made easier by Hourglass function. Where all Speedup Card time have been added together into 'Remaining Time' and can be use immediately by Player without the need to choose.


Production Speedup
To use 'Remaining Time' of Speedup Card, Player can tap on the Instant button. Then choose/tap on Hourglass Icon from the Speedup Method.


Order Speedup
Hourglass function can also be used to accelerate/speedup upcoming Orders from Logistics Hub. So, player can fulfill more Orders instantly without waiting hours for upcoming Orders. Tap on the upcoming Orders, then tap on the button that has Diamond on it. After that, the speedup method interface will come up and Player can choose/tap on Hourglass Icon from the Speedup Method.

Stall Sell[]

Stall Sell Speedup
Hourglass function can be used on Stall when there are items on sale. To use it Player can tap on the Instant button, then choose/tap on Hourglass Icon from the Speedup Method.

Related Page[]
